Commentary from Russian political analyst in 2008 ~translation - TopicsExpress


Commentary from Russian political analyst in 2008 ~translation via Bing United States under new President Barack Obama in the Crimea, the scenario will be implemented during the armed conflict. Its an American script, and when Obamas probability is much higher than for Mccain, said at a round table in Kiev, the Russian political scientist Andrey Okara, new region. Expert explains: it became clear when it was announced that what people will submit to the Obama team. These are people whose professional registration-Wall Street. These people are engaged in technology, referred to as technology of controlled chaos. According to Okara, after Georgia zone controlled chaos in the first place, was to be the Ukraine-Crimea. This is the point of ignition, including global conflict, aiming at World War I, which, unfortunately, is one of the scenarios, which at the moment of the real, says political scientist. His colleague from the Ukrainian Institute of Russian Andrei Blinov agrees that Russia in this conflict is not interested. When they talk about the war in the Crimea or in the village of St. Michael, I believe that this scenario is marginal. A more active economic participation of Russian capital are very probable. But it depends on when you are finished with the crisis. If in 2010 year, then Russia will be much weaker, he said. The ambitions of the United States in Crimea are confirmed and signed by the Ukrainian-American Charter on strategic partnership. The Charter provides for the unconditional recognition of the sovereignty of Ukraine, its integration into NATO, the increased presence of United States in Crimea and other kinds of cooperation. The United States Ambassador William Taylor, however, reassured: the Charter does not oblige any of the two parties to provide assistance by military means. And added: If the bounds are violated, we will meet and discuss our next steps. In the second section of the document devoted to the defence and security sector, referred to the interest of the two countries in a strong, independent and democratic Ukraine, whose integration into European structures is a mutual priority. In this section, reiterated that Ukraine will join NATO. In the meantime, Recognizing the global threats to stability in the world and to prevent Ukraine and the United States will strengthen their cooperation in matters of defence and security, the Ambassador said. In addition, Taylor said, and concrete steps to improve the training and supply of military equipment to the Ukrainian armed forces. The fifth section focuses on expanding people-to-people contacts and cooperation in the field of culture: Ukraine, as the text (by Taylor), welcomes the intention of the United States to boost their diplomatic presence in the Crimea. The format of the presence on the peninsula is still under discussion, but it can be a structure with certain consular functions. The document also referred to the support of Kiev in the confrontation with Moscow on the issue of withdrawal of Russian Black Sea fleet from Crimea. The Crimea is the most promising ground for destabilization of the situation, a bargain for Americans, as well as the official Kiev, observers say the first month. Periodically in the media to float various scenarios in which Ukrainian Democrats will try to blow up the powder keg, redirecting the claim to Russia. Pro-Russian activists peninsula attempts (like attempts to return Crimea to Russia through the Court) the severely punished, but the SBU until total victory over dissidents, judging by the numerous symptoms, is still far away. Provocation to the Crimean direction did not avoid, convinced the Ukrainian Communists. United States prepare to toss to the East (aiming at that, of course, in Russia), but first they need to break down a pro-Russian Crimea, ex-speaker of the Crimean Parliament, the Verkhovna Rada Deputy Leonid Grach. Scheduled for next year, the United States representative office in Simferopol-from the same series. That Ukraine is in the zone of the highest priority the new President of the United States, analysts said. Obama will make Ukraine kontrbalansom Russia, political analyst Serhiy Taran: the first time, Ukrainians are deprived by attention United States because Obama will be busy with the internal problems of the United States. But Obamas efforts in the future United States will renew its image in Europe, and in the long term, the new leadership of the United States will pay special attention to Ukraine, which can become kontrbalansom of Russia in the region, and in the future-even kontrbalansom old Europe, along the lines of current of Poland . Ukraine will remain a deterrent to the United States, Russia, agree with him a Ukrainian political analyst Andriy Ermolaev. According to him, for the American policy of Ukraine was and remains a tool object that is used in a rather cynical strategies. The far-sighted already rehearsing the upcoming battle for the Crimea: from this opera-held recently in Kiev headquarters Uche source: video commentary DAHBOO77 https://youtube/watch?v=pjkiUxSA6u8
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 17:57:31 +0000

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