Committee Okays Zoning the Presidency, Governorship Positions, - TopicsExpress


Committee Okays Zoning the Presidency, Governorship Positions, etc. Recommends Unicameral Legislature A stamp of approval was placed on the clamour for zoning political offices by members in the Committee on Political Restructuring and Forms of Government. At the end of deliberation on Wednesday, majority of the committee members decided that on the national, state and local government levels, there shall be rotation to ensure there is inclusiveness. The proposal to zone the presidency and governorship seat is part of the components in the modified presidential system of government that has been suggested by the Committee on Political Restructuring and Forms of Government. Also part of the components of the recommended modified presidential system of government is the recommendation for the adoption of a unicameral legislature. A unicameral legislature is a representative form of government with a single legislative chamber. During debate on whether Nigeria should adopt zoning, while majority were for the proposal, others express divergent views on the proposal. Former Rivers State Governor, Dr. Peter Odili strongly supports the need for zoning to be enshrined in the Nigerian constitution. He argues that the predominant climate of the Nigerian political scene dictates the need to adopt zoning. His words, “We cannot write a constitution for all times. But each time we write a constitution, you are dealing with contemporaries problems. I cannot deceive myself that if we don’t enshrine this in the constitution that every other party, politicians or every other group of people will appreciate the problem some of us are experiencing in practical terms.” He continues, “For now, we need to have this (zoning) in the constitution. We need to guide our democracy. We are searching for nationhood. Until we get there, maybe until we get there, let those living then find a need to expunge it from the constitution. For now, we need it.” In supporting the issue of zoning, Pastor Tunde Bakare, the convener of the Save Nigeria Group, waxes philosophical, “An old man who is planting a tree today at the age of hundred is not considering himself; he is considering the subsequent generations to come not only to take a good shade under the tree but to benefits from the fruits.” “What we are doing today will also become fruits tomorrow. I totally support the issue of rotational,” he submits. Submitting his dissecting view, Dr. Abubakar Saddique Mohammed says that, “I am just baffled a little bit. It is a good policy in terms of trying to carry everybody along in the country. But we have chosen to do democracy and like I said before, Democracy is a ruthless numbers game. How do you now want to dictate not only to the political party but to the electorates who they must elect? “ He admonished committee members to find another way to handle the issue of zoning without dealing away the constitutional right of individuals and the right of association of the political parties. While speaking to newsmen after the committee business of the day which extended beyond the normal closing time, the co-chairman, Gen. Ike Nwachukwu read out the committee’s resolutions after deliberations. The resolution reads, “THERE SHALL BE A UNICAMERAL LEGISLATURE WHOSE MEMBERS SHALL BE FULLTIME AND THERE SHALL BE PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION TO GUARANTEE MINORITY AND SPECIAL INTERESTS. THE TENURE OF OFFICE OF LEGISLATURES SHALL BE FOUR YEARS WITHOUT A TERM LIMITS AND THERE IS HOWEVER A NEED TO STAGGER THE ELECTIONS OF THE LEGISLATURES.” On the question of fear that bills may be hastily passed in a unicameral legislature, General Ike allays fears about the issue saying the lawmakers will make sure things are done properly. He highlights the advantage of the system to be fewer delays in passing bills.
Posted on: Thu, 01 May 2014 00:00:19 +0000

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