Common Law courts should be founded in every town on the planet - TopicsExpress


Common Law courts should be founded in every town on the planet now. Every town should form its own New Council meetings for all to meet and institute new systems and structures, if existing infrastructure is not working for the benefit of the people anymore. We will begin to address all existing systems that are unlawful under Common (Human) Law. We will connect all Common Law courts and New Councils on the entire planet, and begin to discuss a Resource-Based World Economy. There is plenty of abundance on Earth, and we all can have all that we need, and then some.. View the Venus Project video.. Paradise or Oblivion.. We will begin to organize Community Centers that have all of the alternate, natural, holistic, and spiritual aspects that our society is missing, and for like-minded individuals to begin to grow a force. We will begin to form Eco-Villages in every town on Earth to create the new societies the right way, day one, and provide real competition to the old ways. See for ideas.. We will form Time Banks in every town on Earth, and web them all together. Time Banks create fair exchange for everyone, no matter whether you are a Lawyer, or a Homeless individual. The profit and division is removed, to create perfect efficiency and fairness. This will create competition to all currency on Earth, and all existing businesses will feel the deflating of their revenues (due to less circulation of dollars/currency, and have to adjust. We will discuss New Currencies at New Council meetings. There will be no debts. We will bring all our citizens of Earth to perfect abundance, perfect health, happiness, joy, peace, love, and all that is in their highest good. We will all do what we love to do.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 00:39:06 +0000

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