Communication with Star Beings An interview by Elisabeth Bond - TopicsExpress


Communication with Star Beings An interview by Elisabeth Bond with Peter Goldman Q: What is a star being, and why was mankind isolated from communication with the star beings and their concepts for a long time? A: Mankind has never been out of communication with star beings, but the level of reality does not allow the majority of the people to be conscious of the way in which the communication and the relationship continues. We are bound into the gravity field of the Earth in a survival pattern, while our antennae that can register these higher frequencies and do communicate and receive, are unable to sufficiently coordinate and integrate this material. We are still far too involved with our different messiahs and religious traditions to feel the universal presence of this cross-cultural star civilisation. It does not need science fiction or TV programmes to entertain us to these things. It is more a story of a kind of remembrance. In this sense, remembrance is not going backwards into some other time or some other cultural era on this planet. This planet and the humanities on the planet are not very old. If we measure them in years of our planet going around the sun, these are very short moments of time. Millions of years are not measured, but in relation to consciousness. So they have a reference to the speed of light and, what we have not yet appreciated is that the speed of light that we measure is the slowest speed, that there are other speeds; there are states of frequency beyond the spectrum that we can measure so far. The cosmic cultures, the star cultures, the star people have of course functioned on many frequencies, but the ones that we belong with really are stewards of light - managers of the manifestation through light. Also administrators, if we think of it that way, of the law as it transcends from its unity - from the one law that governs everything, into the states of unfolding, as consciousness can become functional within the development of cultures and civilizations on different planets. Q: I would like to also investigate when and how we may contact more easily in our time and explore their space and their concepts through the consciousness you have just mentioned. A: In a certain way it has been decided, from the archangelic level that for consciousness to evolve on the Earth, the sense of focus becomes, for a time, restricted. And so we have wandered in the pathways of our own brain, and we have wandered around backwards and forwards in the repetitional histories that are all anchored within the very simplistic teachings that have been handed down to us. We still use as our philosophy bases the philosophy of the Greeks, and we still have our ten commandments that have come down to us from some mysterious and mystical moment. We still marvel at the pyramids, and discuss what they could possibly be and do. This is a deliberate containment, so that the forces of dark and light can be stabilised sufficiently for the cosmic communication to open up. Mankind has taken on certain tasks, and one of these tasks is the management, within its own evolution, of these dualistic forces. However we may look at them, and whatever we may think is light and dark or good and evil, these are not direct terms - it is always relative. Nevertheless, these forces are not entirely aligned with the evolutionary system of stars and of the cosmos. The forces within which mankind is evolving are themselves in a state of being realigned. The sense of lack of communication is not a sense of isolation deliberately; it is to stabilise this relativity of light and dark in very specific ways. The point behind this, if we think of it in an evolutionary sense, is that the development through this planet equips the souls to go into the cosmos in a way that can master the tensions of growth literally more efficiently. Although these cosmic beings, archangels and great beings are enormous and amazing, nevertheless evolution is open to improvement, and the tension of the cultures of the Earth becomes a form of preparation for an efficiency of managing and mastering evolutionary forces of other systems, as we go out into space. Q. So, as our human thoughts are not so imprisoned any more and we can master them better, many people now come in contact, through dreaming, meditation and intuitive thinking, with these light realms and with the light, the power, the force, the wisdom and the guidance of the star beings. How can we improve the communication with them at the moment, now, today, and let their ideas flow into the human systems on the Earth? A: The star beings enter in an indirect way. Their frequency can very much align to the energy systems of the Earth, to the parallel evolutionary streams on the Earth. The star beings find a relationship into the cultures of the Earth through the environment in which we live. They build a relationship, until there is a familiarity between us and them, without us realising that we are expanding into this communication. The danger is that we end up turning these star beings into divinities that create another repetition of some kind of… Q: …are star beings within the system of duality? A: They have gone past this duality. They study it. Many of them spend time here to observe and to take the information back. Many of them are involved with literally, infusing enough of their wisdom into a point of light, or an entry point, that then that civilisation or culture can take forward. What we see in ecology, man and nature, the preoccupation with the fact that we may be destroying the environment is certainly true, but only modestly so. The power of mother nature, to destroy as well as to create, is more enormous than anything we could possibly imagine. Nevertheless, the ecological impulse is creating the pathways through which communication with the star beings is already expanding. The survival of the Earth is not the purpose, but the survival of the Earth creates the rational connection. Then we already begin with our quantum physics, with our telescopes that are out in space and have seen that space is not empty, with our research into what they call dark matter and with our appreciation of what we call the sun itself and its activity. The sun has a song, a sound now. The stars have their own sound. One aspect is the direct communication. There are many beings on the planet who are beyond religion and beyond the going backwards in order to go forwards. They are very much open to the impulses which talk of the one humanity, impulses which talk of being able to communicate with the elements and impulses. They can communicate with the stars without feeling inadequate, or without feeling that we have somehow to become a superman or a superwoman. It is a natural sense of suddenly following a little bit more amongst their own people. The experience of it is that we are less bound into the material world, and that the material world serves us better. We are not involved in the repetitional karma, where people are bound into states of identification into races and systems and things. We belong to a different frequency of karma, if that word even means anything. We enter into a parallel work with the angelic beings and into the anchoring work of the archangelic beings, and then into the cultures that move across space. Q: What can one individually do, within everyday life in time and space, to actually live this communication consciously and also come into the growth of this bond? A: It is not helpful to isolate oneself, even though it is a very personal and individual relationship, as it awakens within us. We need to appreciate that there are other people very much like us who are listening and learning and growing. We don’t need many people. We need to know that we are not alone. We also need to know that this is not a path of initiation in a traditional way. It is a natural sense of expansion, of communication into what is a new level of normal. It is mystical and transcendental. It is not over-emotionally dramatic. Q: Just another form of … A: … of expansion… Q: … of expression in life? A: Yes. To know that there are a few people like us is to open to the many, many people like us who are already on the planet. This changes the nature of our relationship between the third and fourth dimension, at least… Q: … or even between the fourth and fifth. A: Yes. And the fifth is becoming much more a part of the Earth consciousness than it has ever, ever been. This means that our identification to our physical body diminishes, but the health of the physical body increases. It also means that our dependence for survival, upon needing enough money and property and all of this changes, and we enter into the way in which what we need actually flows to us. It is obedient to the law that it flows to us, and we do not have to focus on trying to manage these things. Of course, this shifts us to another level of responsibility. It doesn’t make life easier. It makes life less inconvenient, but there is more responsibility… Q: It seems to me that you are really talking about the fifth dimension. The fourth dimension is still a dimension of philosophies and frames and religions and systems, and the fifth is the actual moment where everything is here, and that is where we meet within us… the star beings… A: …when we connect with the star cultures it is through the fifth dimension. This influence creates what, here, we call integration and synthesis. It is not just a synthesis of our personality or of our human-divine connection. It is a synthesis of many lives, of the way time itself becomes unified. It is the freeing from the different religious paths into a state of conscious presence, and it is also what they have called, traditionally, being freed from the cycle of rebirth. We can still be born many times, but it is freed from being bound into a form of a lower vibration of the process. Q: If many souls in a human body on our planet are in communication with the star beings, that makes our planet into an etheric star itself? A: The Earth is being accepted into star- being culture through the fifth dimension. The contact, communication, the opening of direct participation has already been set in motion through the fifth dimension. This speeds up, in this relative sense of speed, the union of energies, the union of culture, the union of progress. And, as I have heard you say, it changes the nature of the tension between light and dark. The light is entering in more strongly, the dark is resisting mightily – which is in a certain way what it is supposed to do. It manifests, in a certain way, through pathways that are, at the moment, just historical pathways, and so it manifests through extremes, through violence, through fear. But these pathways will not be open to this always. These pathways will come under the command, under the control of the increasing light, and what we now see as ‘forces in opposition’, will be active through far more interesting creative channels. We are very close to the dissolving of the fear of death. The fifth dimension, as it works through the fourth and into the third, also changes the nature, astrologically, of our relationship to the planets. If you like, our astral body is the body of our star system; our sun and the planets. The fifth dimension is what we can do when this body is working. There is so much that the star beings are already preparing – are manifesting on the fifth dimension. What is happening, even now, is that the period after death is far more related to the higher worlds, beyond the level of reintegration of our bodies and the review of our lives. There is an expansion and an opening of the penetration. If we know this, we can start to shift away from the sense of looking for a way out of all our problems down here, and looking also for a way of freeing ourselves from the theory of spiritual enlightenment, and allowing ourselves to expand in the communication of higher minds and higher orders and levels of culture in space. Then, literally, we are in a different vibratory relationship to the elements of the Earth. We would not be harmed, we will not get sick, we will want for nothing, and we will not need more than what we need. Q: So the soul does not have to follow the material gravitational force any more? A: Very much so. We flow with gravity rather than being pulled down. With all of this, there can be, in the nature of where we are going in this time, an apparent polarization of people who are ready to move on and those who seem as if they are not ready to move on. To take this literally, it is an interpretation of the Book of Revelations. To see it in another way: All go forward together, and no one is left behind. The nature of evolution then fulfils that other biblical statement that says the lion will lie down with the lamb. The sense of the extremes of life, where one form feeds off another in order for everyone to evolve, shifts into an exchange of energies that is much less unconscious. The star being culture is not just a culture of consciousness where they are really living in beauty and in harmony and all of that… The beauty and harmony which is, for us, the supreme achievement, is the ground floor for them. And then, they are full of all the projects and possibilities. Evolution never repeats. Q: In our thinking, we already are in what you call their ground floor. A: Yes. I think that the work that many of us are doing now is preparing for the shift of the nature of perception and experience. We literally experience and perceive life in a way which is no longer bound by gravity. It is no longer the third dimension in gravity. It is no longer the fourth dimension as a place where we come and go. It is a cosmic relationship; it is a star culture relationship through the fifth dimension. Star beings are the equivalent of our light body, the integration of all the states of learning and growing and coming together. They can travel vast distances without pressure and without time. They shepherd the evolution of the cultures on the different planets and systems. Obviously, there are many different cultures and systems that are going through every kind of imaginable evolutionary state, but these star beings are managers of it all. We don’t have to give them titles. They work within a unity of consciousness. They have their own individual responsibilities, but they are never without the union of consciousness of their network. They are capable of being as close, as personal and as friendly with us as if they were as human as we are, in a way, and they love to work with the humanities that are stretching upwards. Amongst these beings are souls that have come through the Earth in other times and have gone out to the stars and then, they are sometimes drawn back to the Earth to support the next stage of growth. We don’t realize that the Earth is not just one humanity – now – but that it has been used many times by different groups, and they have gone off to the stars ages and ages ago. And then the planet has been, as it were, re-prepared, and then a new group has come in, and so on. Q: So that is also our future, then? A: Yes!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 21:52:32 +0000

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