****Communist defector warns of alliance between Democratic Party - TopicsExpress


****Communist defector warns of alliance between Democratic Party and communists*********** Joe Newby Spokane Conservative Examiner June 13, 2012 Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, a former top aide in the Romanian communist regime, warned of an alliance between the Democratic Party and the Communist Party, Accuracy in Media reported Tuesday. “The Democratic Party has become dangerously infected with the Marxism virus. I recognize the symptoms because I once lived through them, and I believe it is my obligation as an American citizen to help the conservative movement to prevent any further spread of Marxism in my adopted country,” he told AIM. He also told the media watchdog group that he is convinced President Obama is a Marxist. According to AIM, the alliance is reflected in the CPUSA’s endorsement of Barack Obama for president in 2008 and the party’s continued support for Democratic Party policies. Last September, we reported that Sam Webb, chairman of the Communist Party USA, endorsed Obamas job plan and the tax hikes that went with it. In August, Webb threw his support behind Obamas re-election bid, although he expressed disappointment with some aspects of the Obama administrations domestic and foreign policy. Earlier this month, Pacepa highlighted what he called the most important planks of communism in an article at PJMedia. A progressive or graduated income tax; Abolition of rights of inheritance; Centralization of credit in the hands of the state; Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state. He also noted Webbs statement of support and added: If you know the [Communist] Manifesto, you will think Marx himself wrote the Democratic Party’s 2012 electoral campaign, which contains all of the above planks of Marxism. If you don’t know the Manifesto, click here and you’ll get it from the horse’s mouth. AIM wondered if Pacepas warning would be too hot for either the media or the GOP to handle. GOP Representative Allen West recently made waves when he alleged that about 80 congressional Democrats are members of the Communist Party. Its called the Congressional Progressive Caucus. West was supposed to be the keynote speaker at a fundraiser for the NAACP, but the event was canceled and the outspoken Florida Republican was disinvited over the comment. Former President Bill Clinton mocked West earlier this month at an Obama fundraiser. “This is not the 1950s,” he said. “At least Joe McCarthy could skate on the fact that there was one or two living communists walking around. Nobody’s seen a communist in over a decade.” But communists and union members marched side-by-side supporting everything from open borders and amnesty to gay rights in a 2011 May Day parade in Los Angeles. Union members even carried communist flags and banners. Communists have also found a home in the Occupy Wall Street movement. This May, Soviet flags and banners declaring long live communism were the order of the day in Chicago, and a number of Occupy protesters were seen wearing pro-communist t-shirts. Many Democrats, including President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and DNC boss Debbie Wasserman Schultz, have endorsed the Occupy Wall Street protests, joining the Communist Party USA, the Chinese Communist Party and groups like Hezbollah. AIM also noted that blogger Jeremy Segal filmed Democratic Rep. Danny K. Davis, an old ally of Barack Obama in the socialist New Party, accepting an award in Chicago from the CPUSA. “Marxism is a malignant tumor on the body of any country,” Pacepa wrote. “This is another thing I learned during my years at the top of Marxist Romania. Marxism, like any cancer, works silently—you can feel it only after it has spread throughout the whole body, and then it is usually too late,” he warned. examiner/article/communist-defector-warns-of-alliance-between-democratic-party-and-communists
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 02:52:03 +0000

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