Conclusive evidence proves beyond any argument that can be offered - TopicsExpress


Conclusive evidence proves beyond any argument that can be offered that illegal aliens are not only a drain on the infrastructure of our communities but they are also a threat to our system of governance and the dignity of our sovereignty. The late Democrat Congresswoman Barbara Jordan famously said, “It is both a right and a responsibility of a democratic society to manage immigration so that it serves the national interest.” The blanket amnesty that members of both sides of the aisle are trying to force upon us is not in the national interest of our Republican form of government — nor is it in the best interest of the longevity of America. The question that permeates the room like the stench of stale grease is why are Obama, Boehner, and the leadership of both Parties committed to forcing America to accept an invasion of illegal aliens that will, without question, result in a crisis the likes of which will as assuredly destabilize our way of life as Super Storm Sandy did for the residents of our East Coast. READ MORE:
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 04:24:38 +0000

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