Condor celebrates twenty five years as a - TopicsExpress


Condor celebrates twenty five years as a parliamentarian ------------------------------------- Written by Val Henry Basseterre, St. Kitts, 16th March, 2014, (MiyVue) – Twenty five years in politics is no easy feat and success in this regard usually comes from hard work and committed service. But for Sam Condor, the former Deputy Prime Minister and former Deputy Political Leader of the St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party, (SKNLP), his quarter Century tenure in the National Assembly of St. Kitts and Nevis was also achieved with an understanding that his work was in the best interest of future generations, while still trying to cater to the needs of present-day Kittitians and Nevisians. Condor first got elected to parliament on 21st March, 1989 and served on the opposition benches until 1995. However after six years in opposition, his party won seven (7) of the 11 seats in parliament to form a new government. The victory then was overwhelming, especially as it secured 7 of the 8 available seats on the island of St. Kitts. They did not contest the three seats on Nevis, which were won (2) by the CCM and one by the NRP. In 1995 he was appointed Deputy Prime Minister, and also held various ministerial portfolios such as Foreign Affairs, Labour, Education, National Security, Trade and Commerce. After his boss Prime Minister Denzil Douglas fired Cabinet colleague Dr. Timothy Harris weeks before, Condor resigned his portfolios and as Deputy Prime Minister, on 30th January, 2013. The relationship between Douglas and his two former colleagues was at the time on a downward trajectory and this came to a crash in November and December 2012, when Douglas passed a number of highly controversial legislations that were considered not in the best interest of democracy and the people of the country. These included the decision to swap 1,200 acres of government land as part of a debt forgiveness deal with the National Bank, (St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla). The attempt to increase the number of non-elected senators in the parliament by 100% was another issue that widened the gap between the former comrades. All this was happening when the opposition, PAM and CCM, had filed a motion of no confidence, on 11th December, 2012, against the Government. There were rumblings that the motion, if heard and voted on, would pass and would have tumbled the Douglas Administration. Fifteen months after however, Douglas remains in office because the Speaker has not allowed the motion to come to the floor for a vote. Therefore Condor says he is now working to restore a greater sense of national confidence as he embarks on his 25 year celebration. Beginning this Sunday, 16th March, 2014, Condor will engage in various activities to commemorate his 25th Anniversary as a parliamentarian. His celebrations however, come at a time when he continues his public service, but not in government, but rather as the Deputy Leader of the newly formed People’s Labour Party, PLP, which has formed a united front with other opposition parties-such as PAM and CCM-to replace the incumbent SKNLP. “I want people to understand that we can’t go on as we are. We want a new dispensation, a new order, a new image for the people; because I believe like Alex Haley in Roots, that there are three kinds of people, those who were here before us, those who are presently here and those who are to come,’ stated Condor in an exclusive interview with MiyVue. “My commitment is undiminished and I still have the passion and fervour to continue to serve my people. And more than ever, the country needs that kind of service at this time,” stated Condor. He said those who are here now have a responsibility to pass on the country in an enhanced and improved fashion, so that future generations can benefit. “I have a way of saying, we have not inherited anything. We have borrowed the country from the future generation and when you borrow you have to pay back with interest and so that is why we have to do so, enhanced and improved,” added Mr. Condor, who once held the portfolios of Minister of Education & Youth. While reflecting on current political challenges facing the country, Mr. Condor stated, “I want people to appreciate that what we need in this country is a new way to make our institutions sacred, where we value our institutions. We must go back to the tried and tested values and traditions. And we must institute good governance again where for instance, we make the civil service an institution we can all be proud of and cherish. The same should be said of the parliament and the Cabinet, which ought to again become an institution we could admire and respect.” The list of activities will see a Church service on Sunday, 16th March at the Antioch Baptist Church; National Broadcast on Thursday, 19th March and a Celebration Dinner on Friday, 20th March. During this week, Condor will visit various institutions such as the hospital, schools in his constituency, the Cardin Home and Children’s Home. His constituency group will also make a contribution to the Antioch Baptist Church to go towards the building of their new sanctuary at Lime Kiln. Condor said he believes the Antioch Baptist Church has been making a tremendous contribution, not only to the Village Community but the country generally and he said they want to be part of assisting in their building program. Appearances will also be made on Sugar City FM’s Straight Talk and WINN FM’s Voices to interact with the public to discuss the way forward for the country. The theme being used for the celebration is, “Committed to Service”. “I want to renew my covenant with the people and to tell them more than ever, this country needs committed people who want to commit to the service and welfare of the people.” “To God be the glory” will be the theme for what would be two church services, one on 16th and the other Sunday 23rd March at the Trinity Anglican Church, so that, as he said, he can spread his celebrations across the whole constituency. Condor said he selected that theme because in the final analysis, it’s all the Masters will and wish, so we want to give him the glory that whatever, we do it unto him.” - See more at: miyvue/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=16583:condor-celebrates-twenty-five-years-as-a-parliamentarian&catid=42:rokstories&Itemid=109#sthash.kp70FP0y.dpuf
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 13:53:19 +0000

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