Congratulations Change Makers! We have over 358,000 signatures - TopicsExpress


Congratulations Change Makers! We have over 358,000 signatures on our petition requesting Congress revoke the tax-exempt status of the NFL, making the most signed sports petition in history! Because the tax giveaways for the most profitable sports league in the world have been so under the radar that only 13% of Americans are aware of them, we need to keep this going viral. Perhaps nothing so illuminated the absurdity of the NFLs tax-exempt status as the recent announcement that Commissioner Roger Goodell made $44.2 million in 2012. Thats twice as much as the highest paid player in the sport and puts Goodell as likely the highest-paid leader of a nonprofit organization in the country. An enterprise so profitable that it can pay its head that kind of money does not need hard-working Americans picking up their tax bills. BECAUSE YOU SPOKE OUT, PROGRESS IS BEING MADE -> In November, Sports Fans Coalition started lobbying Congress for our cause. At that time, Senator Tom Coburn, author of the PRO Sports Act, which would bar sports leagues making over $10 million from claiming nonprofit status, was our lone champion. We can now announce that Senator Angus King has signed on as cosponsor of Coburns bill, and Congressman Jason Chaffetz has agreed to present the companion bill in the House. --> You were first to know about the launch of via our last petition update. On the eve of the Superbowl we were joined on a press call by Senator Tom Coburn, King of Sports Author Gregg Easterbrook, and Andrew Delaney of the National Sports and Entertainment Law Society. Their backing provided us ample gravitas as we presented the media with hard data and anecdotal evidence proving it is time for Congress to end tax-payer subsidization of the NFL. ---> Only days ago, Congressman Dave Camp, Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, proposed a new tax reform plan that incorporates language from the bipartisan PRO Sports Act that would strip the NFL of its nonprofit status. The fact that the #1 tax writer in the House has endorsed our issue makes clear that our elected officials are hearing us and we have an opportunity to effect change! ACT NOW TO KEEP OUR MOMENTUM GOING 1) Keep sharing the petition. The more signatures it gets, the more weight it carries. 2) Join the Social Media Campaign. Like: https://facebook/SackNFLTaxBreaks Follow: https://twitter/SackNFLtaxbreak 3) Publicly thank the Champions of Our Cause. Feel free to use the sample tweets provided, or write your own! Dave Camp: https://twitter/RepDaveCamp Thank you for including a provision to #SackNFLTaxBreaks in your Ways & Means Tax Reform Package, @RepDaveCamp. #PROSportsAct Tom Coburn: https://twitter/TomCoburn Thank you for working to #SackNFLTaxBreaks by authoring the #PROSportsAct, @TomCoburn. Angus King: https://twitter/SenAngusKing Thank you for signing on as cosponsor of the #PROSportsAct to #SackNFLTaxBreaks, @SenAngusKing. Jason Chaffetz: https://twitter/jasoninthehouse Thank you for working to #SackNFLTaxBreaks by sponsoring the House version of the #PROSportsAct, @jasoninthehouse. Thanks again to YOU for signing the petition. I hope you will stay involved and help us bring home the WIN! Lynda
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 01:33:58 +0000

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