Congressional hearing about The Health Care Exchange website is a - TopicsExpress


Congressional hearing about The Health Care Exchange website is a debacle. Democrats do not care that that the original cost was $70 million and its now at $197M. They dont care that they had to hire a different outside contractor with an unknown budget that will raise the cost above the $197M. Democrats dont care how or how much it takes to get the Health Care Exchange working they just keep their blinders on and hope that at some point this will all work. As they sit and cross their fingers repeating that this will work there is no interest in why it doesnt or who is responsible for the delay or the over runs. They dont and will never care about ACCOUNTABILITY that is why they continue to mislead the American People. At the same time they want to point out Republican questions on why its not up and running and why its over budget and when will it work. To the Democratic Congress these questions are harmful to the process!!! Just keep deflecting the issue so the American People do not see what is the real problems.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 15:51:55 +0000

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