Conquering depression caused by someone dear, but hurted you Q - TopicsExpress


Conquering depression caused by someone dear, but hurted you Q “Is forgiveness always right? I was severely hurt by someone I completely trusted. Now I find myself staying in a ‘bad mood’ because of how much he hurt me. I can’t just ‘let him off the hook!’ ” Since our thinking impacts our feelings, if you are harboring unforgiveness in your heart toward someone, you may be experiencing symptoms of depression as a result of failing to extend forgiveness and not letting go of negative thoughts and feelings. Forgiving someone who has grievously wronged you is not easy, but it is right and it is “doable.” It is the doorway that God has made through which you must walk in order to gain emotional and spiritual freedom. The Bible says, “Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” (Colossians 3:13) Imagine a hook attached to your collarbone. Now, imagine all the pain you are harboring attached to that hook. Imagine your offender being attached to that hook as well. Ask yourself, Do I really want to carry this person and all this pain with me for the rest of my life? The Lord wants you to take all the pain, along with the person, and release them into His hands. He wants you to take them off your emotional hook and place them onto His hook. The Lord knows how to deal with people who wrong you. He says, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay.” (Romans 12:19) PRAYER TO FORGIVE YOUR OFFENDER “Lord Jesus, thank you for caring about how much my heart has been hurt. You know the pain I have felt because of (list every offense). Right now I release all that pain into your hands. Thank you, Lord, for dying on the cross for me and extending your forgiveness to me. As an act of my will, I choose to forgive (name). Right now, I take him off my emotional hook, and I place him on your hook. I refuse all thoughts of revenge. I trust that in your time and in your way you will deal with him as you see fit. And Lord, thank you for giving me your power to forgive so that I can be set free. In your precious name I pray. Amen.”
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 13:58:00 +0000

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