Conservative Republicans have a lot of work to do, even though we - TopicsExpress


Conservative Republicans have a lot of work to do, even though we now have control of the Congress in 2015. The leaders of the party in Congress dont seem to believe in Conservative principals, and too may folks who vote Republican do not understand the difference in the two factions of the party right now. So many do not have any idea what the fiscal issues really are, nor how they are hurting America. Thus, Conservatives need to learn to do a better job of teaching these points. That means we need leadership ourselves to help us all be on the same page as we go about trying to address this problem. Stephen Parr QUOTE: I am concerned that certain Republicans just cant take yes for an answer. To borrow an old adage, they cant handle prosperity -- with prosperity being defined as the voters rejecting Obamas agenda (and thereby embracing theirs). This is partly because of the fact that many grass-roots conservatives mistakenly believe that their only obstacle to moving a conservative agenda forward in Washington is the so-called Republican establishment -- GOP centrist politicians and their institutional supporters. But I believe its more than that. Its not just these GOP congressmen, the party organizations, the party fundraising groups and right-leaning pollsters, few and far between as they are, that stand in the way of a mainstream conservative agenda. Its also a great segment of influential Beltway conservative pundits and commentators. And its a substantial percentage of Republican voters, some of whose loyalty is stronger to the party than to conservative policy, and others who are just dazzled and deceived by the moderate punditry and the seductive wooing of Republican incumbents who sidle up to constituents during campaign season and pretend to be far more conservative than they are. ...But the ugly secret is that its not just a matter of electoral pragmatism for many of them. No, these people actually disagree with us on substantive policy issues; they arent nearly so conservative as mainstream Reagan conservatives. ... I am raising and emphasizing these distinctions because they are relevant to how we grass-roots conservatives proceed to advance our agenda in the future. If it were just a matter of dealing with a recalcitrant and entrenched GOP power structure, it would be one thing, but as many Republican voters agree with the establishment, we must do a better job of selling our case, which well never do if we assume it is unnecessary.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 09:24:48 +0000

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