Considering becoming an editor in todays world of high speed - TopicsExpress


Considering becoming an editor in todays world of high speed delivery? Editors, need a solid understanding of what happens before and after their part of a project. From Ingest/ log and capture, LUTS, camera and lighting issues, Color Correction, audio sync and on to conforms, on-line, color correct, sound editorial, sound design, music and dialogue editing, broadcast and film delivery specs and more. Most middle of the road editors, dont have this knowledge base. I would say that most editors can edit (as one would hope) but begin to fall short in these other areas. To get ahead and be that GO-TO editor you need to not only understand all these areas, you need to be, at least, moderately good at them. Which means a lot of research, and learning with either book, video, classroom or internships and, of course, hands on experience. Today, more than ever, a good editor has to be good enough to handle the basics for all these areas in order to take on a project and assure delivery, especially low budget gigs, where there is less time, less money and certainly less staff.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 02:03:39 +0000

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