Conspiracy theorist is a way of marginalizing people who recognize - TopicsExpress


Conspiracy theorist is a way of marginalizing people who recognize the bitter truth. These people who believe in God, country, family and freedom, are also labelled far right extremists. TERRORIST defined.... the name given by the emperors or governments of the world to a group of weaker people they wish to demonize (portray as wicked or threatening) in order to coerce (persuade, to do something by force or threat) the electorate (people, etc.) into supporting an illegal occupation (war) as a means of acquiring (take, steal) natural resources (oil, gas, etc.) and gaining a strategic (political, military) hold over a poor or sovereign nation (Syria, Iran, etc). TERRORISM....1795, in specific sense of government intimidation during the Reign of Terror in France (March 1793-July 1794), from French terrorisme, from Latin terror (see terror). Online Etymology Dictionary TERROR..... early 15c., something that intimidates, an object of fear, from Old French terreur (14c.), from Latin terrorem (nominative terror) great fear, dread, alarm, panic; object of fear, cause of alarm; terrible news, from terrere fill with fear, frighten, from PIE root *tres- to tremble (see terrible). TRIED & TRUE GEOPOLITICAL STRATEGY: THE PROBLEM, THE REACTION, & THE SOLUTION. 1. THE PROBLEM = Create a problem by arming and funding extremist to take down opponents by proxy. (Build up a dictator or extremist group, which can then be used to wage proxy wars against opponents... During this stage, any crimes committed by these proxy is swept under the rug). 2. THE REACTION = Incite a reaction from the public by demonizing the same bad guys you put into power. (When these nasty characters have outlived their usefulness, thats when its time to pull out all the dirt from under the rug, and start publicizing it 24/7. This obviously works best, when the public has no idea how these bad guys came to power). 3. THE SOLUTION = Propose a solution which involves a military intervention, the loss of liberties, or both. (Finally when the public is practically begging the government to do something, a solution is proposed).
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 23:07:40 +0000

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