Consumerism creates jobs. Jobs bring home pay checks, which buy - TopicsExpress


Consumerism creates jobs. Jobs bring home pay checks, which buy homes, cars, TVs, furniture, the things that make our lives more comfortable in turn creating more jobs. Todays corporations have sent those jobs overseas, where labor is much cheaper. The industries are coming back to America with wages increasing in China, but the factories of the 21st century are mostly automated. A Steel plant would have had hundreds of workers before the computer age, now it can be run by one person and create much better quality steel. Amazon has killed the bookstores, no need for all those shops with sales clerks. Granted it did help to fill the ranks of UPS and FedEx with needed employees for drivers, but drones are already being tested by Amazon to deliver our packages without the cost of delivery man or woman. Which could lead to cheaper prices for the consumer, but the loss of many jobs. For those that have, the world is becoming a much better place. For the rest of us, they are making it much more difficult for us to make a living and support our families. Being an employee no longer pays well and fewer jobs are out there as our society modernizes even further, To make matters worse our government in the name of protecting the public has made it much more difficult for individuals with little resources to strike out on our own. We are not allowed to just go out into the wildness and live off the land any more. The government owns all the land not privately owned, and the animals are protecting. We can no longer easily try to start our own business or profession without the proper government required license, insurances, and certificates. Which all cost money to obtain that most of us do not have. It also costs time, that many of working more than one part-time job just to pay the bills we now have also have none to spare. A friend of mine is now getting her license as a masseuse. It is costing her $7,000 dollars and a month of her time, not making any money, to sit in front of a computer screen and answer multiply chose questions. All in the name of protecting the public. She has been giving massages for over four years without a license yet had never harmed a customer. It is shear protectionism nothing more. I have had massages from so called licensed masseuses and amateurs and quite honestly I have had much better massages from more amateurs and have never been crippled by a massage. We are being sheered and turning into serfs once again, making just enough to pay our bills so we can continue to go to work, or worse many of us are becoming mere wards of the state to keep us from revolting so those that have can keep their billions as they use government to protect their interests. What Really Ended the Great Depression What did end the Great Depression? Again, the history books get this chapter of history wrong. DailySignal
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 13:25:45 +0000

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