Contest Alert: Hi Divergent Fans, Do you want the chance to - TopicsExpress


Contest Alert: Hi Divergent Fans, Do you want the chance to win The Divergent 3-Book Series Collection (featuring Divergent, Insurgent, and the latest in the installment, Allegiant) Please answer the following question in the answer section below. The Contest ends 3.23.14 at 3 p.m. A winner will be selected randomly and announced on FB on 3.24.14. Which of the five faction societies would you belong to and why? Please select one of the factions below: *ABNEGATION FACTION [Pronounced: Ab-neg-ay-shun] l. to refuse or deny oneself (some rights, conveniences, etc.); reject; renounce. 2. to relinquish; give up. --active forms of ­stripping things from your life. As opposed to relinquish, give up-- more passive. TRAITS: Sit quietly and wait. Bow heads, a sign of respect, when greeting each other. Not manipulative, but not forthright.Their morally incorruptible quality makes them the only reasonable faction to be able to govern the city as political leaders. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *DAUNTLESS FACTION [Pronounced: Dawn-t-less] Fearless, undaunted. Courageously resolute, especially in the face of danger or difficulty; not discouraged. Undaunted: resolute, especially in the face of danger. Note: Being fearless and being undaunted are two different things. TRAITS: Loud, expressive. Bravery, courage, fighting and physical skills. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *ERUDITE FACTION [Pronounced: Air-yoo-dyte] Characterized by great knowledge; learned or scholarly. The word erudite focuses on knowledge rather than intelligence-- intelligence being something youre born with, and cant necessarily control, and knowledge being something that you acquire. TRAITS: Chat about books and newspapers; in constant pursuit of knowledge. Curiosity, which drives them to seek knowledge. The faction produces most of the citys librarians, doctors, scientists, & teachers. They keep records of the city & the factions. Most technological advances are due to Erudite, including all of the simulation serums. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *AMITY FACTION: [Pronounced: Am-it-ee] l. friendship; peaceful harmony. 2. mutual understanding and a peaceful relationship, especially between nations; peace; accord. 3. cordiality. Its not just about and apple-picking. It’s about cultivating strong relationships and trying to understand each other. TRAITS: They love music, art, games, and laughter. They give hugs when greeting. They vote on everything, almost unanimously. Their bread has peace serum added to prevent their members from fighting. Amitys essential nature comes from its crop-growing. They run the farms, which provides some of the food for all the factions. They tend to be counselors, caretakers & artists. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *CANDOR FACTION: [Pronounced: Can-der]; l. the state or quality of being frank, open, and sincere in speech or expression; candidness. 2. freedom from bias; fairness; impartiality. The faction is not just trying to develop honesty,­­ theyre also trying to develop impartiality. TRAITS: Honest, trustworthy, and able to read body language to detect lies. They greet each other by shaking hands. They provide sound leaders in Law.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 17:26:48 +0000

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