Continuing my thoughts on sugar. AGAIN, useless junk calories are - TopicsExpress


Continuing my thoughts on sugar. AGAIN, useless junk calories are no good for you BUT sugar alone is not the culprit of our diseased state. The problem is that when sugar is put to blame and people then turn towards protein sources they often gain weight because the protein sources are actually more calorie dense given that they are actually protein mixed with fat and NO fiber. A nutrition professor wanted to prove this point by going on an all twinkie diet. He kept his calories below his metabolic rate. He lost weight, his lipid profile improved, and his blood sugars were excellent. All on twinkles. His point being that it is calories that matter. Of course, the twinkie diet lacks lots of vitamins and nutrients for long term health but any diet will get you short term weight loss. This study is an excellent study showing the type and amount of sugar do not matter if you are eating a hypo caloric diet. This is a double blind randomized trial. where people were randomized to low calorie diets with varying amounts and type of sugar. The sugar amount and type did not effect weight loss, only calorie amount. AGAIN, I am not saying eat sugar. I am just trying to stop the ridiculous fear of carbs in our country. We run to protein as if it is our salvation and meanwhile it is killing us! nutritionj/content/11/1/55
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 15:27:46 +0000

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