Contribute to Environment With Green Dedicated Servers #Datacenter - TopicsExpress


Contribute to Environment With Green Dedicated Servers #Datacenter Use of technology is directly related to the drainage of energy. For saving energy, environmentalists suggest technology consumers, especially website owners and internet companies, to make use of green dedicated servers.There are many other reasons for introducing Green Servers like:Elimination of Carbon Footprints: Green servers offer all the benefits that regular servers do. They run with great efficiency and perform with high speeds. However, such dedicated servers require less power that helps decreasing carbon footprint to a great extent.According to the environmentalists, the carbon footprint refers to the measure of the impact the activities of masses have on the environment. It correlates with the amounts of greenhouse gases that are produced by putting fossil fuels on fire. When dedicated servers are used, they touch off enough amount of energy that contributes to this carbon footprint.With the utilization of green dedicated servers, web hosting companies are performing their part for reducing the footprint of carbon. They also help saving a lot on energy and money. It costs comparatively more to run the dedicated servers, which consumes a lot of energy. It is quite sensible option for hosting companies to go for an earth-friendly choice and offering the same alternative to clients.Boosted with Renewable Energy: Due to the detrimental effects on the environment, hosting companies are now going towards the green dedicated servers. These sorts of servers are being operated by renewable energy.Renewable sources of energy are energized by the natural elements such as sun, wind or water. There are many green hosting companies that provide designated servers to their clients. These servers are powered using renewable energy that consequently helps offset the carbon footprint along with a dramatic impact on environment.How Green Servers Work?A dedicated server refers to the web host that caters to a specific web site. It is not shared and the customer controls the website. Though, the equipment for the server are hired on rent, while the bandwidth and space are provided by customers. Green servers’ drains much less power, but still possess a capability to offer great quality at high speed as in the traditional dedicated servers. Such servers allow customers to have a much better control over their server within affordable range.Often referred as earth-friendly servers, green servers offer almost all the features of the servers. Customers are allowed for running their server with the help of Microsoft’s Remote Desktop Protocol. They can also have a user authentication database and make use of a dedicated IP address, which as a result will reduce the issues associated with the shared hosting like spam blacklists.These servers also provide huge memory storage, high performance and the same functions like dedicated servers. Hosting companies like Ricoh Data Center , and others are doing their best in making environment better by switching to an earth-friendly direction. Read more: mytechlogy/IT-blogs/5156/contribute-to-environment-with-green-dedicated-servers/
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 00:40:06 +0000

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