Controversial issues about Islam and Christianity MOSES AARON - TopicsExpress


Controversial issues about Islam and Christianity MOSES AARON AND JESUS WERE MUSLIMS A muslim friend once asked me, was Jesus a Christian? I gave a gazing smile. Well they say, whoever asks questions wants to know the root and actual fact of the issue. He told me Jesus, Moses and some others were muslims. He gave me the following reasons. He said the above mentioned personality performed 1. Ablution 2.believed in Monotheism. I answered him with a question. can you define christianity? He was unable to answer. Christianity is the Christs like way of life, and by the way Jesus is Christ. It is those who follow Hiqm and have the life of Christ inside of them that are called Christians. It will be so odd to ask if JJesus was a Christian - Romans 8:9b. On the issue of Ablution. Some Muslims believe that Jesus Christ performed ablution at the last supper. Well, to me that is so glaring that it is not an Islamic ablution. It was a meal, a supper for crying out loud! What Jesus did was never an ablution neither was it a washing for prayers, but just before a meal or after a meal. As a Jewish, courtesy demands that whenever a man arrived home from a journey or even from a market to wash feet, as it is a Jewish custom. It was a tradition and in fact, Jesus had been accused by the Pharisees several times of not holdieng strictly to this tradition (Please read 13:3-15 for clarification). Friends, does that look like an Islamic ablution to you? Jesus was not establishing a washing of feet religion here. Christianity is not a mechanical pre-programmed way of worship. Moreover, did He wash the disciples nostriils, mouths, ears and other places Muslims wash in ablution? Again did He recite any prayer while doing the washing? NO! As for brother Moses, (Exo 30:18-19; 40:30-31) God commanded him to do the washing which was meant for Moses, Aaron and his priestly sons only, not for all worshipers. More over it is only their hands and feet that were washed; no nostrils washed, faces or ears. Note specifically that the laver of water was specifically set between the tent of meeting and the altar. To clear this all out, Islam does not allow an altar ina mosques. So no point to make reference to; saying Moses was praticing Islam. Muslim brothers and Sisters, I hope that cleared it all. God of the Christians bless you all.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 18:41:32 +0000

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