Copied from Achiego James TO: THE RETURNING OFFICER, THE - TopicsExpress


Copied from Achiego James TO: THE RETURNING OFFICER, THE ELECTORAL BODY, MASENO UNIVERSITY. RE: COMPLAIN ABOUT THE MISCONDUCT OF STUDENTS’ ELECTIONS Following the October 9th, 2014 students’ botched elections the students hereby express their innermost displeasure in the following turn of events before and during the voting day; The malpractices which marred the process where already marked votes in favour of presidential candidate Alfred Makotsi were detected in both Main campus and City Campus. The duplicates of ballot papers marked in favour of the above mentioned name were also being cast. Members of staff who were part of the electoral process were favoring the same above mentioned name by providing more than one vote to voters whom their names seemed to be from Makotsi’s tribe. Besides, the very staffs would be seen mobilizing voters in favour of Makotsi and his team. A point in case is Harambee Hall polling center among other areas. The persistent import of goons into the university by the same political divide. The ulterior motive by staffs union (KUSU) and other administrators which were funding the same team. It is therefore in the best interests of comrades who champion for the rights of ALL and autonomy of the students’ union to demand for the following; The students and staffs who participated in any of the above irregularities be brought to book and decisive actions taken against them. We shall not accept the repeat of elections presided over by the same electoral team. In an event of another elections the arrangement of external independent electoral body is inevitable. Review of directors’ votes cast. Why would total votes cast for a given directorate substantially differ from another yet all are given in piece? This having considered the valid votes cast and the spoilt ones. In summery; let justice be done and the constitution of an autonomous union’s body (SOMU) that cannot be manipulated by staff members who mean no good for this university. Their secretive and ulterior plans will never see the light of the day. SOMU is for students and students alone. Yours faithfully The incumbent president, Charles Juma Okusimba. CC: Vice Chancellor Deputy Vice chancellor Director Students’ Affairs Dean of Students Head of Security Department
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 14:53:15 +0000

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