Craigs extra special Christmas time rant for the day which some - TopicsExpress


Craigs extra special Christmas time rant for the day which some may find contentious and some may find enlightening or not. Faith. What is faith and why is it so important to those amongst us that believe in God? (Just lost all the atheists right there I guess) but if the atheists read on they might find that they already had faith and that they are therefore far superior as they expected. You cant believe without faith. You cant trust without faith. Without faith you have nothing to believe in. So faith is all important. I think this fundamental cornerstone of many religions, possibly all religions is the main hurdle that many atheists stumble over in their journey to understand who they are and why they are here. In fact my experience and I must admit view point is that many zealots, fundamentalists and just plain devout believers also dont ever actually grasp what faith is as well. Yeah thats right believers dont understand their own faith. So I would like to break it down... Its pretty hard for a lot of people to understand faith so I want to make it as simple as possible. Can of worms opened... You dont need religion to have faith though many religions would preach otherwise. Faith could also be in many circumstances described as patience, trust, karma, confidence, self belief, the way, Tao, ownership and responsibility. How can one word be so many things? What are so many historical texts in many countries trying to say? A simple hypothetical example: Two people believe in Jesus, they both believe they have found enlightenment through god and his teachings in the bible and all the fun stuff church has to offer. They both believe in God to the core of their beings and they both employ me to do some work at their house. They are both lovely people that truly believe in Jebus. Both jobs have a deadline, both jobs expect results and both jobs will endure some difficulties along the way. These difficulties will cause through no particular persons fault (an act of god if you will) because after all everything is part of gods plan: delays, hardship and costs in time, money and materials. One customer is upset. They worry over the deadline, the cost, the future outcome, the result, the perceived criticism of their friends and loved ones if it isnt done by the deadline. The other customer says nothing, all they ask is for updates as to when the job will be done, no pressure, no anguish, no expectation, no concern over a moving finish date. They seem to understand that all will happen in due course. But they both claim to have faith in The Lord. They both worship the same deity and both show love and affection to all of his creation. Its probably a hard concept to grasp and maybe I simplify it too much with this little and perhaps to long and too boring rant for many of you. But heres the point: Faith is the belief that Jesus or Muhammed or (insert deity of choice) will make it right for you in the end and you actually may not even like the outcome at all. But if you have faith the outcome is actually irrelevant. The journey is what is important. What is the journey? Living in the present and not worrying about the unknown. One customer got exactly what they wanted, their expectation of when that would occur based on the information I gave them was completely irrelevant, possibly they didnt need to care because they trusted that it would happen in Gods greater plan. The other customers reality was emotional turmoil and constant worry over the course of the job. They are also getting exactly the result they wanted in due course. I dont think you need belief to have faith and I think in the context of this story both customers will end up with value for money. Which customer truly understands faith? Id just call it living in the present, understanding the deeper meaning of I am, the way, the Tao. Dont get you knickers in a knot. Chill dude. Relax. Or for Gen Y, Chillax YOLO. If everyone who believed in a god, truly believed that their god would sort it out, greater divine plan and all that stuff was real then they wouldnt need to stress about something so simple as a deadline for a landscaping job let alone the bigger picture of peace love and mung beans because God would sort that shit out for them. Dont go killing ya neighbour, if your god was that pissed with things he may of written a long time ago like non believers, false idols, batty boys and shellfish he or she would be smiting all over the place. My simple advice is live in the present atheists, life will be much simpler. My advice is truly trust in your God believers. True faith will make your life so much easier. Ive seen it with my own two eyes. By the way thanks God for my eyes which you created and evolution cant possibly explain at all ever. Either way have faith, own responsibility, understand outcomes are unpredictable and take a deep breath. Merry Christmas
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 14:50:01 +0000

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