Creating Crisis to Justify Building Tyranny - Why Obama Brought - TopicsExpress


Creating Crisis to Justify Building Tyranny - Why Obama Brought Ebola To U.S. targetfreedom/cfr/creating-crisis-to-justify-building-tyranny-why-obama-brought-ebola-to-u-s/ Boogey men adversaries provide the EXCUSE FOR TYRANNY. In every call for more power for government there should be a reminder that nothing in the measure will abrogate the constitutional rights of American citizens. We must not destroy freedom in the name of defending freedom. Be careful about elimination of rights, or the setting up of totalitarian instruments. THIS VIDEO SHOWS HOW TYRANNY IS CREATED. THEY SCARE PEOPLE INTO ACCEPTING TYRANNY AS A WAY TO BE SAFE FROM A MANUFACTURED CRISIS: Staged Crimes The Global Warming Hoax Created Terrorism Natural Calamities Illegal Aliens Economic Crisis Faked or CREATED Pandemics Rahm Emanuel says Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste. What he means is: Use crisis to build tyranny. This Tactic is Called Pressure From Above and Below. Our government leaves our border WIDE OPEN to illegal aliens, but then claims to protect us, by creating totalitarian measures against law abiding American citizens. The sequence of steps that have been taken in this country is the most common pathway to dictatorship. THE SHEEPLE ASK: You would rather we let or guard down and suffer terrorist attacks on our own soil? Cant the government cut a few corners to help with natural calamities? Let the government arrest people for sneezing and call it quarantine. Government officials making searches without warrants, demanding identification without probable cause, to believe that a crime has been committed IS a terrorist attack on our own soil. For Hitler, the national emergency was the burning of the Reichstag Building. Then he set up the Gestapo. We had 9-11and HomeLand Security. It even sounds like Fatherland. How to become a dictator The creation of emergencies is a part of the totalitarian agenda. The creation of emergencies gives the government an excuse to crack down. Then the creation of tyranny becomes justifiable and inevitable. When emergencies erupt the population accepts totalitarian measures as the only alternative to the chaos. The action is in the REACTION. This tactic is called pressure from above and pressure from below. Pressure from above is what Jan Kozak called revolutionary parliamentarianism. Revolutionary parliamentarianism means working INSIDE of the system to change laws in such a way as to increase the power of government. Pressure from below consists of the creation of the emergencies; which are then used as the excuses to increase the power of government. Karl Marx referred to pressure from below as the proletarian struggle. Pressure from below might involve violence, or it might simply be the creation of the appearance of popular support for the increase in the power of government. Our government leaves our border WIDE OPEN to illegal aliens, but then claims to protect us, by creating totalitarian measures against law abiding American citizens. Why Obama Brought Ebola To U.S. https://youtube/watch?v=gRNlxI9OpyU Obama Brought Ebola Into America After Signing Executive Order to Detain Sick Americans Obama Signs Executive Order to Detain Americans With “Respiratory Illnesses” americac2c/forum/topics/obama-signs-executive-order-to-detain-americans-with-respiratory-?xg_source=msg_mes_network ALSO SEE: Retired Border Patrol Agent Leaks the Real Story on Surge of Illegals targetfreedom/bills-in-congress/retired-border-patrol-agent-leaks-the-real-story-on-surge-of-illegals/ We are under attack. Illegal alien gang members will be used as the infantry for the initial assault. This initial assault will come after the disease pandemics have softened up the population. The disease pandemics are being carried out with these illegal aliens. and are being deployed now. The destruction of the power grid, the food and water supply, transportation and communication will be added to soften up the population before that assault. Call your Congressman and insist that the humanitarian resettlement of these children be defunded and outlawed. CALL 202-224-3121 and tell your Congressman to VOTE NO on the House GOP border bill because it does not block Obama from granting amnesty to even more illegal aliens! IT ONLY TAKES A MINUTE Call and give your zip code to the operator to be directly connected to YOUR Representatives office. To find the phone number of your Representative, click on the link below Thomas Jefferson said: The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. We add this: The battle for liberty is never won, and is never lost. The battle for liberty always continues. It is never too late, and it is never soon enough, to defend freedom. No matter how enslaved we are, we always have hope. No matter how free we are we are never safe. NOTHING EVER LIMITS THE GOVERNMENT, EXCEPT THE PEOPLE. Any generation that fails to defend freedom will lose it. The next generation will have to shed blood to gain it back. When the defense of liberty becomes a crime, tyranny is already in force. At that point failure to defend liberty makes slavery at certainty. John Perna WARNING: This message has been intercepted and stored by the National Security Agency as part of its unlawful spying program on all Americans. The National Security Agency is the only part of the government that actually LISTENS to you. Do you wish that the government would read the Constitution? Just email it privately to your friends. What we formerly called freedom of speech we now call the right to remain silent. BUT they will now claim that you DO NOT HAVE the right to remain silent... if THEY are asking the questions. The Patriot Act is constitutionally illegal, but was signed into law takes away your rights and turns them into privileges, which the government can grant or take away at will. If you remember we were told that this would just be temporary. Now it has been made permanent. But no one protested did they? ============= PLEASE PASS THIS MESSAGE ON Watch rest of videos ON Drop box video folder https://dropbox/sh/b6ef1068k12nqla/1U_wC7wWBE OR ON TARGETFREEDOM targetfreedom/videos/ Please visit the ultimate resource for defending liberty. CLICK HERE: targetfreedom/ If you get a message that says address is not valid then copy and paste the address into the address bar. This is the Most Extensive Collection of Freedom Videos Ever Compiled: targetfreedom/videos-to-watch/best-collection-of-freedom-videos/ John Perna My email is: JPerna at sc.rr which, if not censored, will show as: [email protected] Are you looking for a book about defending liberty? Many rare and out of print books are still available. Look here: americanistbookstore/ Then look here: amazon/gp/shops/storefront/index.html?ie=UTF8&marketplaceID=ATVPDKIKX0DER&sellerID=A1AVPSERX4QF0E If you get a message that says address is not valid then copy and paste the address into the address bar. Please Watch these videos: REAL EYE OPENERS. DOWN LOAD THEM NOW BEFORE THEY DISAPPEAR. Invisible Empire - full version NWO video An absolutely amazing expose of the power brokers of the world: No criminal tyrant left behind. targetfreedom/books/invisible-empire/ youtube/watch?v=NO24XmP1c5E Police State 4 The Rise of FEMA youtube/watch?v=Klqv9t1zVww youtube/watch?v=K4aQJqzIe8o&feature=g-all Camp FEMA: American Lockdown - FULL MOVIE targetfreedom/american-concentration-camps/camp-fema-american-lockdown-full-movie/ The Obama Deception HQ Full length version youtube/watch?v=eAaQNACwaLw The American Dream - a very important video tinyurl/USADream (NOT CLICKABLE) --------------- Freedom or Slavery Understand your choice and your duty. IT ALL BECOMES CLEAR HERE https://dropbox/sh/b6ef1068k12nqla/1U_wC7wWBE#lh:null-Freedom%20or%20Slavery%20%20Understand%20your%20choice%20and%20your%20duty.%20IT%20ALL%20BECOMES%20CLEAR%20HERE.flv targetfreedom/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Freedom-or-Slavery-Understand-your-choice-and-your-duty.-IT-ALL-BECOMES-CLEAR-HERE.flv ----------- Ron Paul Tried to Warn Us https://dropbox/sh/b6ef1068k12nqla/1U_wC7wWBE#lh:null-Ron%20Paul%20Tried%20to%20Warn%20Us.flv ------------ A Day In The Park - coming soon https://dropbox/sh/b6ef1068k12nqla/1U_wC7wWBE#lh:null-A%20Day%20In%20The%20Park.flv targetfreedom/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/A-Day-In-The-Park.flv ------------ Ron Paul 2012 - Can you Hear us Now? youtube/watch?v=384JykXEjC4 targetfreedom/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Ron-Paul-2012-Can-you-Hear-us-Now-.flv ------------ To be removed from my address book, reply to this message with the word remove or unsubscribe in the subject line. To be added to my address book, reply to this message with the word add in the subject line. Send this to JPerna at sc.rr which, if not censored, will show as: [email protected] V ~ For Victory THE CORRUPT FEAR US. THE HONEST SUPPORT US. THE HEROIC JOIN US. HERE IS your Free DISCOUNT Card FOR Prescription, Lab and Imaging. UP TO 75% OFF JUST CLICK HERE: freerxplus/FRP01233/en/Home.html FOR MORE INFO: Print Your Own and Get Paid to Hand out Free Prescription Discount Cards https://dropbox/sh/b6ef1068k12nqla/1U_wC7wWBE#lh:null-Print%20Your%20Own%20and%20Get%20Paid%20to%20Hand%20out%20Free%20Prescription%20Discount%20Cards.flv or targetfreedom/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Print-Your-Own-and-Get-Paid-to-Hand-out-Free-Prescription-Discount-Cards.flv
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 04:24:05 +0000

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