CrimealertkznSA -ISIPINGO BEACH -received info from a contact of a - TopicsExpress


CrimealertkznSA -ISIPINGO BEACH -received info from a contact of a house that was robbed -modus operandi indians selling pots approach home and distract homeowner whilst others invade and rob home once again the golden rule DONT SUPPORT SAVAGES DONT ENTERTAIN VENDORS SCRAP DEALERS PAKISTANI DVD SELLERS ARE THE WORST KIND THEYLL DESROY YOUR HOME AND SLEEP WITH YOUR WIFE- NIGERIANS-mostly drug dealers all they good for call saps when you see them in your area savages as well -dont feed beggars , no body in south africa is dying of hunger or thirst -send them to their local ward counsellors dont help savages -an act of kindness will turn out into murder rape and pure hell -DONT ALLOW ANY STRANGERS ON YOUR PROPERTY NO MATTER WHAT EVEN POLICE -if they claim to be police officers call your local police station and verify , as for telkom , and electricity bogus thieves dont touch them with a ten foot bargepole -WARN ELDERLY PEOPLE AT HOME and lastly dont ever think your domestic worker is an angel 90 percent of the time she gave the info same with gardeners and day labour they will kill and rob for what we have its a sad savage nature of society we living in the facts speak volumes send this message to all concerned crime is not decreasing and its escalating especially in indian and white suburbs
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 18:11:28 +0000

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