Criminy! Kevin Cafferty and Jenny Norris have tagged me to list - TopicsExpress


Criminy! Kevin Cafferty and Jenny Norris have tagged me to list the ten most influential books of my life. This is going to be embarrassing, because Im a bit odd. I also have to name others to play, so how about Tony Houston, Adam Charles Leonard Miner and Debbie Flitman and the too busy to this probably Christine Eldridge! 1. The Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. Dorothy is the greatest hero in American literature. 2. The Amazing Spider-Man #121, when Gwen Stacy died. I still get choked up thinking about this. 3. The illuminati Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea. 4. The Life You Can Save by Peter Singer. 5. The Prisoners Dilemma by William Poundstone. 6. Tarzan Alive! by Philip Jose Farmer 7. The Baroque Cycle by Neal Stephenson 8. The Riddle of the Traveling Skull by Harry Stephen Keeler 9. SuperGods by Grant Morrison 10. Debt, the First 5,000 Years by David Graeber Did I do this right? I should have put more comic books on this list. I could do this entire list in just comic books. Did I leave out Ernie Bushmillers Nacy and EC Segars Popeye? Yes. Did I leave out Charles Moultons Wonder Woman, Hank Fletchers work and everything written by Lee, Ditko and Kirby? I didnt even get around to some of the smart stuff I read.Steven Pinker, Thomas Pikkety... Robert Heilbroners The Worldly Philosophers should be on that list, as should Eve Titus Basil of Baker St. Whatever. I did it. Im done!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 19:22:08 +0000

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