Crushing the Cockroaches. Tinted has always been the glasses - TopicsExpress


Crushing the Cockroaches. Tinted has always been the glasses of Alhaji Shamawilus car; each and every car of his. He is a politician and a ward councillor in Katona local government, vying (in the forthcoming election) for the office of the local government chairman, who would finish his tenure the coming year. The incumbent chairman will have to leave for — if he so wants — another political office. There was a speculation that he would emerge the governorship candidate, but people do not waste their words in saying, repeating and reiterating that he, the leaving chairman, has no political muscle to withstand the fiercely contending individuals around. However, when it occurred to them that the leaving governor would be anointing him, people shook their heads in utter — and of course destined — approval. Ya ci kawai ma ( hes won already). I heard one of them saying then. So, we all agree, to actualize his dream of following the seats and the suits, Alhaji Shamawilu decided to marry one of the outgoing chairmans daughters. Theres a secret behind it. If he marries her, his campaign will receive a huge boost, the chairman will recognize him as part of the family and his bond with the to-be governor would be strengthened and sustained with greater nourishment; and before one knows it, he licks the boots, follow the chair and the chain to climb up to a highest political pinnacle with a blessing from his master and father-in-law. Nevertheless, different cliques have different opinion on this systematic marriage. It is, by the way, going to take place in a fortnight. And, as a councillor willing to step up to the chairman-ly seat, Alhaji Shamawilu has started campaigning and canvassing for votes, with solid promises and assurances, throughout the wards in the local government. Just yesterday he was in our ward, a stronghold of the leading opposition party. I, like many other people, believe Alhaji Shamawilu CANNOT win in the ward, but we gave him our precious ears and time in that hazy day. Alhaji arrived at the wards leading Imams house and picked him in his tinted CRV Jeep. They found us seated at a disheveled primary school assembly ground, discussing in a murmuring tone and cursing Africa for creating its unique time that would always disappoint you to a degree of uncertainty. From the looks our people worn that day, I can, without any fear of contradiction, report that they are equally uncomfortable with Alhajis always tinted car glasses. This is the type those yan mafia use to steal and run away with our children. One old man said to his next-seated fellow. Dont you know they put girls in there and have their way? One teenager, a badmouth boy like that, quipped and we all laughed at the truth therein. He was on the dais, finally. We got up in respect for the prayers Malam Yau Mai-Kurani was reciting. We finished this, he brought that. Lastly, he fatihad his face and so did we all. It was Alhaji Shamawilus turn to speak. Not at all surprising no one is assisting him with the procedures for making the speech, or someone like an MC because the audience were virtually less knowledgeable and modern to require all the gra-gra of blown speeches. He came alone (even driving by himself). Alhaji cleared his throat and began. My people in Mahawa ward, Assalamu Alaikum. He cleverly said. And the echoes of Wa Alailkum-ssalam filled the atmosphere with a sense of divination. I am not a new face here, as you all know. He continued, The wife of the man who gave birth to my great-grandfathers daughter was born in this very ward. So we are one. I found it difficult unchaining the ancestral order he gave. He went on and on and on, explaining his achievements as a ward councillor in his Takun ward. He kept bluntly telling and promising us that our lives would be better under his leadership; the closer he did not get to was the promise of fura-da-nono pump. To most of the people, nothing deserves the name hackneyed more than that which he kept [re]emphasizing. You will be right to say that the people stayed there longer than they would because of the bottled drinks and biscuits that Shamawilu ordered and set to stare at us. Prior to the end of his trite, he called three able-bodied men among the crowd to bring out the gifts from his car trunk and distribute it to the attendees. Amidst their (yes, our) jubilation and excitement, Alhaji rained bad words on the opposition party... from calling them unmatched combination, power desperadoes to serial losers. His mouth foamed with politically-incited rage. As I munched on my gotten Digestive Biscuits, sipping on the bottled Mirinda juice, I continued listening. You know what we have done, and are still doing, for you people even right now. Stomach is important, we say no to hunger! He said, with a fierce gesture, clutching his fist like he was swearing with the sky gods. No child in my ward has ever bought a school bag, pencils and erasers since I assumed the Councillors office. I must thank Allah, and I promise to do more if you give me a chance to take care of this local government. He added, somewhat gently. But, as you, know, He went on, no matter a good thing, some people would criticise you. Never mind about the cockroaches, they are meant for the toilets. People were nodding in agreement. I saw some old men smiling in discomfort, but couldnt ascertain why. My people, let me ask you: If you see a cockroach in your room, what would you do? We will kill it. The voices said, almost simultaneously with a slight variation in the deliberation. Yes, crush them. I mean the cockroaches... all! He adjusted his flowing agbada and shouted. They used to attack us before, and we say keep calm. Now, I say to you: do to them the bad and the ugly; fight them, crush them. We will crush them! Some within the crowd and Alhaji Shamawilu himself kept saying all over, until he got tired and released us. I woke up days later to find the event negatively making headlines (someone has video-recorded it; many assumed he, whoever, was from the cockroaches section) ... and I really wonder what to say after eating his biscuit and drinking his juice. Should I advocate for the crush them motion or what? Aminu Yusuf Malam ©
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 07:54:08 +0000

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