D S Magic and dreams before i pass judgement fr a law court to act - TopicsExpress


D S Magic and dreams before i pass judgement fr a law court to act outside of the in my false imprisonment i thought you would of learnt with sandy and looked up for three weeks to study and gain the upper hand in sins against a Angel but you dont cast judgement on the Archie as you took away and do the right thing god will punish to all those who suppressant you dont falsify imprisonment by illegal paper work and violate the law in a angels pain of medication that suppress low mode resulting in numbing my emotions then give me a chemical that internship snap it firing 8in damping the nuro pathways now if we cannot get justice in the courts and tribal as swearing before in god we trust you lied and impassioned a arch angel because of memory stick to see what information on system retreval in argon documented on medical data lase and my shrink lieing before the grace of angel and proclaiming to upheld the opinon after one ten minute intervene says i am paranoid schizophrenia this is something wrong when the hospital lies before god in company of panel members that it was oof the opinion of the dr is study then treat in numbing his endolpin suppressant of the mood stabilizer to shut of synaptic pathways the dr been paying god to see what happen to the radio and television as the member said they are under quieted to detain easy but you cast judgement n arch angel because tribunal perverted the curse of justice and thats twice they ruled in taking angels free will as the only judge that can pass judgement is high table of god where a seat is reserved for preasance and in contact with Archie and god but before visions in my dreams as transcend int space and i not taking out of surprise it is to enter the gates of heaven escorted by cherub you will judged before the gate earthly of life in the cosmos or demand to extinguish your soul and yu may ask why dose good doo nothing for me he gave yu the greatest gift of all your soul and i am soul fallen for committing good capers in heaven but my desertion was to be [punished as i reborn on earth how has to attain grace in order to become arch angel and for those who didnt get the message in the song or his proclamation by god voice that this one is arch angel born in human formation in developing the right ascension ok i earned my stripes and unlocked Solomon as we know the power of angels that solomon conversed with and ever seal has been unlocked and you may ask how to unlock a seal you use magic and right of the subject but you need a tied unlocking bowel with lid and you set fire to concentrated as burn to ashes the seance of those angels and diseases that been caught by biblical beginnings any once you put the burnt offerings in dish add some salty water mix to paste put lide on the plate and bind four-ways with string then put it in the middle of the room and boul should start to spin in deferential rotations and when it is unlocked take lid of and the magical experiment can set lose who was ever behind the sealand we unlocked every seal so they are of no use as the power solomon lies to its keeper of secretes and the incantations are really good in solomon as its all based on angelic summering of forces in exchange for the grater glory and like the time 5 years ago i bought my angelic tables and we all hallucinated that day i stared of as squire of magic and raised through the ranks with study and devotion of my love of magic caught the attension and i have been poised time stopping that the who archie desended on me as have just merged souls with god in my awareness of soul to keep time of the cosmic witch makes me a arch angel but e3xspirimented on by drs in there attainment of watching and treating when the hospital have been playing about with chemicals on the mood and lied to but you been punished as god took billions of life in god almighty rath and god tells me here to bring a message of salvation and as i have the spark of time that trigured a new being a elemental sorcey in angelic teachings and no one has been able to prove god or magic till i started the art of magic and i do know spells curses and necromacnical studies of other intellectual life that transcends the two releams and had some strange visions but you are wondering why no o9ne filied a compliant or instigated proceedings i hold dim view of humanity as my cival rights was raped in experimenter on time as you dont care whos pays and i am in charge of jet stream and never sweeps this high up its elemtals kicking of as by twelve on Sunday when you go back in time the mark of that hour will cause to gods work of hurricane induce some serious shit and you wont care now its Briton terms to have disaster at home as biton is going get battered and these are no acts as dreamer about it where the i flew of the bed and spun around in the air while still resting and god gave me vision of storm to prepare those in taking necessary steps to ensure life and 7 days of hurricankinetic raises over the England and developed and crosses European office in england we are build up the forces before it target foreign soil and the archie pass judgement in the line of appeal to final judgement by god thats the line of appeal and god is higher than the courts so if any proceedings by the crown is envolked god will cast final judgement and his judgement will be mighty wise but if you committed crimes before a arch angel god will torches your soul or just dissipate the soul so you are not givern right in heaven you may have it good now but we all pay the re pier and if you have det to a angel thats det to god and god has no time to bethought in hearing your side as god knows everything and if you get before his grace you will feel peace with fear in the heart and i know the admin courts been screwing about in not doing the right thing before judgement of soul just say its darken and darkness as you might bound to hell witch is at core of the planet so i know you wont get away with owing money you may be greedy selfish with it but you have a det to arch angel making it my final judgement on what i should do and make you pay for all eternity that its better to go before me in judgement and pray for forgiveness that you beg to live on as a det to angel is det to god power and these souls will wait pergoty till i get around to punishment detail and i felt real pain of god in heaven for questioning chaos as i was stug were i was told there only one god and i was tear after getting stung on finger by three bees on figure and ran of like a kid and aziel said you cannot get into heaven as this is heaven as i sleep my soul transcends into the relems of heaven and i got time to tell you about my travels between two portals and heaven real good with it as when i sleep i transected into heaven and another worlds its like you are locked in your own imagination witch angels control and operate in as we all merge into the imagination where you can do what you manifest to do where your friendships can be rejoined to build your own heaven that other souls can enter and leave on the astral plain theres more to than thatas if you come across a angel in after life they control and change destiny in life or death or4 travel the stars in visiting and jumping about to where ever you find comfort or if you chose to extinguish your soul only a arch can bring death on heaven and earth as they are closest to lord time supreme creator lord god and me god are really close everything i know and see are seen through god eyes as part of remains in me but you shouldnt of ruled over Andrew as god rules over him and if any proceeding brought he will reserve to seek heaven before that i can abide god decision in angelic enforcement judgement and been a angel for a year the rest of years was spent lost but we know we are one of the good guys how saint lets not he be judged unless judged by yourself now you may ask why its becase of my love of god magic that lead to his door but i fallen on the earth and when i get back into heaven i will bring new to archie soul arch angel by his own hand in crafty sciencebut i am starting to ascend into other planetary heavens where spirits meet and my last dream i just nodded of i spun up in the air with pillio and thought nothing of it as wanted to get back into my a sleep but i had strange dream this as real truth i dreamed i was treating the bone of the leg of some inflicted soul so i took it to cave where it went in to get heald and after a fish with arms and legs that lived in and above the land its was with encounter with another angel as i looked at him i saw my own refeletion young but reflect in the pupils was live data streams as i watched ether down load or imprint with information and when you look into the eyes of younger self you golden lines process defalcating and the next day i hear my dreams have encoded the weather in bringing the nation as you are going to recive a belt of heaven as you will invoke god wrath and i know if we obeyed the law there wouldnt be a loss of human life and a arch angel docent get sucked out his consciousnesses to spin about in the air if they went in for some justice but i think it was upload of information into subconscious and you still wont release after hurricane we know the movement of jet stream will bring disease traveling around the jet stream that will evolpe the water supply and after the hurricane and you dont release after a week of destruction you will have England in right mess homeless and infected with a disease and you better pray as this storms god judgement into finical revenue and on Sunday with the end of the storm as jet stream is in control of god and this no spooky incident you locked me up denied a fair trial and ruled over a angel in passing judgement resulting the right of appeal to god for his judgement and it might be me againts the world but god on my side and you fight god as he is the almighty creator of time spark and if you lock up time god will punish on day and if you did the right thing your life is not in danger but pray god is mercyfull and i know britons in alot of trouble for what your doing to message of the lord so god is bend a few laws in ringing floods and sever wind witch god justice and you know he going to be high price to tell as life money means nothing as its going to be fight for survival and its no mistake that the jet streams jumps with going back in time in awaiting for the eye of the storm to encompass before it jumps to bring total effect of a super storm nipple AAA and it will be scary as left with nothing facing serious storm damage and you only have yourself to blame so i advise when the clocks go back is board up the windows build flood defenses you know Ireland gets flooded tomorrow and you should of listener know you are going to pray and there should be military on standby and you know power lines are coming down so if and go buy some candals when your sitting in dark you will see manifest a storm to make government pay and theres going to be huge repair bill as your looking at least a million of homes battered beyond recognition power cuts and its in or out stay indoors while the house crumbles or blown away with the wind as you cannot go upstairs as roof might come of and downstairs in flooded with weather and grounds already saturated as there is tropical storms encode over Briton where those who are path of deconstruction go stay at structural building just look at sandy did and i know i defuse it decode the movements of pressure and winds but going sit back and let god punish you and you might have to pay the ultimate price and if i wernt locked up the admin court been warned if he acted i wouldnt as when god addressed the head of admin and i been on phone explaining that i better get access for justice or i will tern to god to punish the public for the ministry lack of judicial function now you pay as this could be prevented it would please god i set free with out meds because if happy thats high pressure or drained thats low pressure in build up of energy transforming into atmosphere and we see the planet cool down and bring a end to summer when i was arested into my work with cancer but the memory stick is the real reason i detained and i wont collaborate with malpractice in misdiagnosis in order to detain with detention paper as i not going on community order when i been in rehab and got tort how not to make up fuss and thinking of putting my dr under a spell or curse as theres loads of spells to inflict suffering or just concentrate and target my consultant brian in creating a spark to short out all brain fution witch i might do if servies the storm and he so sorry for messing about with my brian as can alter his head to target with energy of spell but i have to think before putting seal judgement of pending death by natural resorces in five years to live and screw about with bio clock in taking years of it and everything with in the meaning of time i control but magic is not a toy and curses spells seals enchantments because if i concentrate and say my consultant will be in a faital acedent he will reslise that magics a real science and my consultant is asking for a dose of magic i just might inflame his testicals with concentrated energy by a targeted application he will see his balls real plucking sore as they go black leading testicle cancer we can inflict that and i ne3ver cast spells there a bit old and childish but some one has to pay for what they done to me and seek revenge a enchanting or change fait not in are favour by channeling negativity into him sick man the power i got and dont use it that often but it might time some dr dropped down like gandolfjinni as no one safe from the god almighty divine spark and theres 80 percent chance i short out the spark on my death bed as my treatment justifies its means all i have to do is concentrate five times to build up a spark rising the chemical spark of life by just saying while concentrate suppress the divine spark concentrate that a few times and if i short the fuse of time a divine spark would be baby magic pray i dont lose my faith in humanity as if i deem you unworthy of children i will spear them the 7 deadly sins
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 01:53:42 +0000

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