DAILY DEVOTIONAL BY PASTOR LARRY STOCKSTILL November 22, 2013 Serving the Lord is to be no sweat! God would not allow His servants who came before Him and ministered to Him to be in a sweating, fretful state of mind or body. We often think that serving God should tax our bodies, strain our relationships, bankrupt our finances, and cost us our sleep. Instead, Jesus said, My yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light (Matthew 11:30). Peter said that we are to be joyful, even though we may have to go through many trials (1 Peter 1:6). Can you imagine rejoicing when you feel like weeping? Peter continued by telling us that we can be happy with a glorious, inexpressible joy (v. 8), even in the midst of a trial. The psalmist expounds the third note in the heavenly chord of todays reading: If you will help me, I will run to follow your commands (Psalm 119:32). Run? Only children run, you may say. Not so! Rejoice in God and run to Him with your worries and cares. The Christian life, though it can be difficult, should be no sweat! Larry Stockstill
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 05:37:22 +0000

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