DARE TO JUMP INTO THE ABYSM by Carolina and Geo Nlp Coaching - TopicsExpress


DARE TO JUMP INTO THE ABYSM by Carolina and Geo Nlp Coaching Energy Sometimes all you need to release and free yourself is to jump and free fall into the abysm. At the other side, your destiny is waiting for you and all that you can be if you just jump even if you are afraid... being brave is over estimated ... what count is to dare do it !!! SUNDAYS MEDITATION: Try visualising that you jump with Guillaume Néry into the Deans Blue Hole and that this is your destiny. It is cold, very uncomfortable, you are terrified of letting go, you do not want to detach from what is still known and suddenly you take a big breath and jump into the abysm. Try it a few times with caution and see where it takes you. Think that with every swim back to surface (even if breathing in between) it is your real come back after mastering the unknown. When you bring your head out of the water, s ryou will think, feel and see everything in another light... dare to meet with you destiny even if the path is still not clear, take a leap and jump, go live the adventure of doing, acting and daring! hodinkee JH: How old were you when you first got into free-diving, and why? GN: I started freediving when I was 14. First it was a game with my friend. We tried to challenge ourself to test who could hold his breath the longest. I lost and I decided to train home in my bed. I became better and decided to try in the sea as I was living in Nice by the Med sea. And of course, it was much more fun! I felt like an explorer. It was so exciting to explore the unknown. I fell in love with freediving and decided that I was going to dedicate my life to it.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 05:54:26 +0000

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