DATELINE Cocoa Beach FL – 24 Dec 0900 hrs– David Holmes - TopicsExpress


DATELINE Cocoa Beach FL – 24 Dec 0900 hrs– David Holmes reporting– The home of American’s space port, became the site of what is being called the Stonehenge of Central Florida. Today a Sea Turtle Inspection Police Officer on patrol discovered a never foreseen phenomenon on the beach. This strange structure was fabricated in less than an hour, and there are no sign of the builders, reports say. Calls went out to leading scientist in the fields of Mammalogy, Podiatry, Neurology, Crystology, and that guy who plays Sheldon on the Big Bang Theory for answers, so far nothing. There are tracks in the sand, but they go in all different directions and their path is to nowhere. Could the mystery mansion be having breakfast, but there no smell of bacon frying or the sound of eggs sizzling. And then, as if on cue, oddly dressed beings started coming out of the water, behind the sand dunes, some even came for the street, and even the little ones where in strange outfits. They were all bipedal, and spoke in coded tongue. It was a language of wishing, bells, some jiggles, and a whole lot of merry stuff. But just before the chaos got more chaotic, they all gathered in front of this massive structure and sang of good cheer, having a wonderful Christmas, and a holly night; a night of a Child’s birth. It seems this is the message the builders are giving us, because sometimes we forget what this time of year is all about. After awhile the leader known as the Great and Powerful Kahuna step out in front of his masses. The clan fell completely silent as their majestic leader took his rightful place at the front. He looked over his flock and cried two words: “SURF’s UP”. And with that, all of members grabbed their part of the regal Stonehenge of Central Florida, and they ran to the sea carrying their boards yelling: “Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas to all, Merry Christmas HO HO HO.” The mystery had been solved. The Surfing Santa’s came in peace to wish you; NAY; to wish us all a Merry Christmas.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 18:30:13 +0000

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