DAVID W. MCCARTHY – CANDIDATE FOR WARREN CHARTER REVIEW COMMISSION We have a great little town here, and you cant have greatness without also having good government. They go hand in hand. Weve been blessed, for the most part, with good government in Warren -- thanks in no small part to our Town Charter. The Charter needs no major overhaul. That said I believe the Charter needs to be tweaked here and there: keep the appointed town manager, but make it one who is required to carry out the wishes of the people through the elected Town Council; retain the Financial Town Meeting, but have a simple warrant process so that voters are not blind–sided by special interest groups, and have a provision in the Charter that holds the town manager and/or Town Council accountable for a violation of the Charter. Experience: I served on the immediate past Warren Charter Review Commission for several months, having replaced a deceased member. I know from that experience that two years of hard work await the new Commission members. While some will work as hard as me, none will work harder. Also, as a local news reporter, bureau chief and later an editor for the Providence Journal, I dealt with numerous charters, across Rhode Island and in nearby Massachusetts communities. When you couple that experience with coverage of local town and city councils, school boards, charter commissions, zoning and planning boards, etc., I have a pretty good idea of what works in a Charter and what doesnt. I thank you in advance for your support Tuesday. Respectfully, Dave McCarthy (David W. McCarthy- # 6 on the ballot)
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 11:33:43 +0000

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