DAY 12 – BAD ADVICE In this story we find two characters - TopicsExpress


DAY 12 – BAD ADVICE In this story we find two characters whose names sound like they were twins, but they were not. Jeroboam has been placed in charge of the whole labor force by King Solomon. Rehoboam, Solomon’s son, was made king of the Israelites at the death of King Solomon. Jeroboam, along with the whole assembly of Israel, has come to King Rehoboam with a request… Scripture: I Kings 12:1-16 “Your father (King Solomon) put a heavy yoke on us, but now lighten the harsh labor and the heavy yoke he put on us, and we will serve you” (v. 4). Just as we would do, Rehoboam seeks advice from others. He first sought advice from those who had served under his father and then those who were serving under him. We can see this as the old versus the young. However, I would like to take this a step further; for even the older, more mature can give bad advice, and the younger, in spite of having less experience, can give good advice. King Rehoboam is caught up in his own importance, seeking more power for himself and less for the people he is supposed to serve. As a result of his pride and arrogance, in combination with his father’s sin mentioned in I Kings 11:29-40, Rehoboam loses control of all but one tribe, and Jereboam becomes king over ten tribes. Decisions have consequences, even for kings. Life Application: What decisions are you facing right now that need good council? When you need to make a decision, who do you go to for advice? Are God and His Word always a key part of your decision making?
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 14:00:01 +0000

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