DAY 13… January 13 READ: Genesis 22:1-14 Thoughts to Help - TopicsExpress


DAY 13… January 13 READ: Genesis 22:1-14 Thoughts to Help You Think About the Scripture Who likes to take a test? Yet, tests are so useful—not just in school, but especially in life. Tests help us understand so much about ourselves. Abraham faced a test in Genesis 22. Compare vs. 1 and 12. What was God testing Abraham about? According to v. 2, how did God chose to test Abraham? Why was this the perfect test for Abraham? God “tailors” our tests to the particular areas of life that fit us. When God tests your love and loyalty to Him, what area of life does He use for this test? Read vs. 3-5. Note especially in v. 5 how Abraham must face this test of his love for God “on his own.” Compare the words of 2 Corinthians 5:10. How is this very sobering? Think also about Psalm 139:1-4. While we can fool other people about our life with the Lord, what does this Psalm remind us of? Observe also that tests are often hard and intense. What was especially hard for Abraham about this test, as revealed in vs. 6-8? Vs. 9-10 show that Abraham was obedient to the Lord in this test. When the Lord told you to give up something or set it aside or change a direction in life (something you deeply loved and wanted to hang on to), did you obey God? How did God show His love for Abraham in vs. 11-12? When we go into tests we have our Father’s promise that He will take care of us even in the test, AS WE OBEY HIM. Note what God promises in 1 Corinthians 10:13. Hebrews 11:17-19 allows us to see inside Abraham to see how he was able to have the faith to trust the Lord in this test. What did Abraham believe? God will take care of you and me in our tests, if we will just trust Him. WHAT WILL YOU ASK GOD FOR TODAY? WHO WILL YOU BRING TO GOD TODAY? WHAT CAN YOU THANK GOD FOR TODAY?
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 00:25:16 +0000

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