DAY 202 – GOD GIVES - TopicsExpress


DAY 202 – GOD GIVES GENEROUSLY ------------------------------------------------ In natural things, God gives to all men life, health, food and clothing. The LORD makes his sun to shine on the evil and on the good, and he causes the rain to fall upon the fields of the just and of the unjust. Every creature is favoured with divine blessings from God. There is no creature, from the tiniest to the greatest, which is not made to receive gifts from God. Now, if God has gifts for all men, how much more will he have gifts for that man who earnestly turns his tearful eye to heaven and cries, “My Father, give me wisdom, that I may be reconciled to you through the death of your son”? The grass never asked for the dew, but every blade has its own drop. Shall you cry daily for the dew of grace and not receive even a drop from heaven? That is impossible. Think of your own child saying, “My Father, my father, I wan to be obedient, I want to be holy” – and suppose you have power to make your child like that, could you find it in your heart to refuse? I don’t think so. It would be a greater joy to you to give than it could be to the child to accept. “If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” – James 1:5 This word does not necessarily apply in the broadest sense, as explained above. I understand that God gives to all who ask. Though the limitation is not stated, but it is intended, because of spiritual mercies God does not give to all men liberally. There are people who live and die without the generous favours of grace/salvation, because they sternly, flatly, arrogantly and wickedly refuse them – but God gives generously to all those who ask. There are millions of witnesses to prove the truth of this. All who have earnestly sought the LORD’s salvation have received it. The LORD has never failed not even a single one of them. God has not despised or hated the cries of his people. Now, if God has heard so many who sought his face, why do you think he will not hear you? Is it not encouraging to think that hundreds, thousands and millions have gone to God and there has never been a single case in which he has refused one? Will he begin with you? Shall you be the first seeker to be rejected? What a strange destiny yours will be, to have to say to another world, “I am the only person who sought God’s salvation, and he refused. I wept at the cross, but I found no mercy. I said, ‘LORD help me! Oh LORD remember me,’ but he would not remember me.” You will never be able to say that. Hell will never boast over such a case and heaven will never have its honour tarnished by one such solitary instance. Seek the LORD and his strength. Seek his face in truth, and your heart shall live. The LORD gives to all men generously. He does not give as we do, a mere trifle to the poor beggar – but he gives handfuls. Solomon asked for wisdom, God gave him wealth, power and much wisdom. In nearly every instance, God gives ten times as much as is asked for. Jacob asked God that he might give him just bread to eat and clothing to put on – but God gave him far more than that. The LORD will do exceedingly, abundantly and above all that we ask or think. This is his divine habit. The LORD does not only fulfil his promises, but when he might serve then with silver, he prefers to give them in gold. He is exceedingly bountiful. Then, why should God refuse you when you ask? If he should generously forgive your sins, he will not be less poorer – and if he withholds his forgiveness, he will not be more richer. Why should he stint his favour? You want to wash away your sins – there is a river of grace to wash in. You want to refresh your soul – he has floods to pour upon the dry ground. We read of the unsearchable riches of Christ. Great sinners, here is an ocean of mercy to swim in. You gigantic sinners, here is an ark large enough to hold you and float you above the waters of life. Sinners of all kinds, whose sins of pride reach up to heaven, and whose feet of lust are plunged in the mire of hell, the sacred hiding-place is large enough to hide even you. The LORD is great in mercy. Who would not ask from such a generous God, whose thoughts are as high as the heavens are above the earth, and whose mercies are new every morning? “If any man lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” – James 1:5
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 17:01:46 +0000

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