DAY 3: JULY 3 TITLE: I SENTENCE ‘NOT SO’ POWERS SCRIPTURE ARROWS: GEN 48:18, NEH 2:10, DAN 6:3-5 Although Ephraim did not deserve the blessing of the first child, favour counted him worthy. But his own father stood against his blessing and said ‘Not So’. Joseph himself has forgotten that he was number 11 when God took him to number 1 or he did not remember that his father Jacob was number 2 when God made him number 1. This is called Not So powers. These powers are not only against what you don’t deserve but also speak or bark against what you deserve. And if peradventure God overrules their voices and gives you the unmerited favour, they will still go after it. They want to snatch it back. Devil will not release easily what he has kept for years. He will come after it. And that is why whatever the heaven as planned at the close of last year as yours in this 2013, you must get them all before this year runs to an end. And the ones you have gotten between January and June but the enemy is still after them to snatch them, enemies would not get them. Fire will consume such enemies in Jesus’ Name. (1) Lord, the Yorubas call you Kabiesi, Ka bi o si, No one can challenge You. No one can query or question you. If You decide to lift me above my elders and those that have gone ahead of me, it is Your choice Sir. I worship You. (2) Every power saying not so, not so, not so, to my happiness in my home, to my settling down in marriage, be silenced by fire in Jesus’ Name. (3) Every power saying not so, not so, not so, to my promotion, career success and business expansion, you are a liar,dieeee in Jesus’ Name. (4) Every power saying not so, not so, not so, to my travelling all over the world, to my fruitfulness and connection, I take your voice by fire, dieeeee in Jesus’ Name, die by fire, die by fire, die by fire (5) Every man, every power, every committee assigned to take back what has been given to me, you are a liar, receive confusion and commotion in Jesus’ Name. (6) Every man angry at God’s blessings in my life, angry at my success and progress in life, I turn you to a dog without voice and teeth, a lion without claws, a scorpion without tail, a fire without heat and a gun without bullet. You have failed in Jesus’ Name. (7) None of my 2013 heavenly package shall be received in 2014. I shall take delivery of all in Jesus’ Name
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 04:52:34 +0000

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