DAY 8: I am thankful for my fur babies. To some this seems very - TopicsExpress


DAY 8: I am thankful for my fur babies. To some this seems very silly when you are not an animal person. Well we are animal people. I believe God sends all sorts of things, people, pets, jobs, or just whatever into our lives at given times for good reason. He uses methods we wouldnt never imagine, to encourage, lift us up and brighten our days of darkness. When these babies came into our lives it was a very heart breaking period in our lives. Going through the empty nest syndrome among other things, my job loss and extended family problems, our health issues, my passion for children, always wanted more children but God knows best and I was blessed with only one, no grandchildren and didnt like to be around other families with grandchildren because it caused such sadness and emptiness inside my heart. Here I was jobless with health issues keeping from being able to commit to another job. God called us into the ministry and anyone who has ever ministered in any field knows as a leader you live in a glass house, which is so not fair but because of society being so judgmental and thinking all christians must be perfect, theyre watching and waiting for you to fall. Dont et me wrong we love the ministry, it is something that nothing can replace and no we had no big fall or anything like that but the pressures are being in front, living in that glass house can be nerve wracking and most the time you live a lonely life because of it, trying to be the up and going people, the encourager, the motivator and so on and that is ok, that is what we are called to do but of course even Christians are humans and need encouraging themselves. We thoroughly enjoy the ministry and wouldnt have it no other way. But God always has a plan and knows what is best for each of us. Molly, Max and Maggie, Ivory was life savers just at the right time in my life. They brightened up my every day, they are the most loving babies Ive ever seen in any animal, very attentive, they dont know they are fur babies, they think they are human like we are, very spoiled. They had added so much joy and light into our world. I know for some of you that seems very shallow and silly but thats ok, everyone is different. So we went to an empty house of silence to a busy life filled house of fun and laughter, then our son came back home which added more brightness to our world. Like I said God knows!!!.....I love my babies, all 6 of God always has a plan for His beautiful creations! There is actual purpose for every thing He creates...........and pets are one of His great creations! Thank you Lord for supplying our need, thank you for sending us our babies just in time! Some will read this and think; that lady is off her rocker, but thats ok, some will read and understand where Im coming from. So I thank you anyway for love, laughter and fulfillment!
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 14:57:40 +0000

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