DEALING WITH DIFFERENCES IN MATTERS OF THE DEEN. All perfect praise and adorations be to Allaah; We beseech His peace and blessings upon Noble Prophet Muhammad(sollallaahu alayhi wasallam). Allaah azza wa jal has clearified and removed us from the differences that might often erupt in matters of our deen. This is a very clear matters with our pious predecessors which they understood clearly except in the heart of a muslim where shaytaan had constructed a storey building. In suuratu Nnisaa; Allaah says: Oh You who have believed! Obey Allaah and Obey His Prophet and those who are leaders over you. So if there is a difference(or dispute) amongst you(in matters of your deen) then return it back to Allaah(The Quran) and His Prophet(the Sunnah). The scholars of tafseer explained that Allaah had used this verse to clearify for us what we muslims should do in times of dispute regarding matters of our deen. Viewing the verse: Allaah pointed out two very important points which concerns this discussion. Allaah says: 1. Obey Allaah, the Prophet and Your Leader. 2. Find the solutions to the differences amongst you in Allaahs Book(Al-Quran) and the Sunnah of His Prophet. Allaah never said: Take the matter to your Shaykh or your Ustaadh or the Imaam of your Area(except they justify the matter with what Allaah said and what the Prophet). Regarding this matter of whether or not today is eid. It is very obvious that the Leader of the Muslims in Nigeria Alhaji Saad Abubakar has announced the sighting of the new moon. So what is required from every muslim is to obey by eating and drinking today. We therefore take this matter back to the Prophets statement as reported by Imaam Muslim from Irbaad bn Saariya that indeed the Prophet said: I advise with the fear of Allaah; Obeying and Listening to your Leader even if it is a slave who was made a leader over you(up to the last statement of the hadeeth). We therefore do not have any business with the Moon sighting whatsoever committee. As long as the Sultaan had announced. Let us make something clear bretheren! If indeed the moonsighting committee themselves understood the context of what the shareea legislates; they wont publicly say contrary to what the Leader of the muslims said(or announced). Additionaly we are not in Saudi Arabia but in Nigeria. Our time of breaking the fast and eating the sahuur is different; so definitely the time of appearance of the new moon will surely be different except Allaah decrees otherwise. You find it easy to hide under Saudi for fasting and breaking the fast but you are the one saying their Islaam is to hard and complicated overthere. Cant you see you have disease in your heart. Ash-shaykhunaa Ibn Uthaymeen(rahim ahuLlaah) said in one of his fataawa that: If the matter of the deen is given to those suffering from Qillatul Ilm(low-level of knowledge); what they would end up destroying will be more than what they desire to correct. Moreso; the Prophet said as collected by Imaam At-tirmidhiyy in his sunan that: The fasting is the day you are fasting and the day of breaking the fast is the day you are observing the breaking of the fast. Therefore, eat desireably; drink recommendedly and give thanks to Robbul Aalameen. TaqobbaLlaahu minnaa wa minkum
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 12:42:53 +0000

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