DEBATE STRICTLY FOR MEN: UPND PRESIDENT HAKAINDE HICHILEMA GIVES STRONG PERFORMANCE AT PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE Hakainde Hichilema again demonstrated tonight why he should be elected Zambias next President: he is the candidate with the right combination of vision, expertise, and leadership qualities to move Zambia forward. Speaking directly to the people he hopes to serve, Mr. Hichilema summarised his campaign platform by saying: We are seeking to address the paradox of poor people in a rich country. I know that in the past our leadership has failed us but we can realise that potential and that is why we are seeking office”. He later explained why voters should cast their vote for Hakainde Hichilema on 20 January 2015: “If you are sick you go to a doctor, if your car is broken you go to a mechanic, and if the economy is sick you need to go to an economic manager”. It is the message of national unity and moving forward that we will continue to bring across the country in the final days of this campaign. He once again stressed the importance of education stating “Education is the best investment. It is the best equaliser. It is the best heritage.” Explaining “Education breeds the skills we need to develop the economy”. On job creation Mr Hichilema explained the UPND approach saying “We will create jobs by supporting businesses, Zambian businesses, to not only survive but to grow and create job opportunities for the Zambian people”. While saying of economic management that ‘It is very important for those of us seeking public office to think in a way that is connected because the economy is interconnected”. We are extremely disappointed that PF President Edgar Lungu decided that he could not be bothered to show up for this debate. Those who seek to hold offices of power and responsibility should not be afraid to engage in respectful discussion, and have their positions exposed and challenged. With that said, we are not surprised that Mr. Lungu chose to hide rather than defend the PFs record of broken promises in front of a national audience. It is yet another example in a pattern of absence and avoidance that has plagued the PF government since day one. Fortunately for the Zambian people, those days will come to an end on 20 January 2015. On behalf of Mr. Hichilema and the UPND, I want to thank Muvi TV and Hot FM for organising the debate as well as Dr. Mumba, Ms. Nawakwi, Mr. Chipimo and Mr. Sinkamba for their participation. To the people of Zambia, a new journey awaits us all with Hakainde Hichilema as President. We hope to earn your vote on Tuesday 20 January 2015. Dipak Patel UPND Campaign Manager
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 06:50:36 +0000

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