DECEMBER 22 ~ DAILY REFLECTION ~ from: ALONG THE PATH TO ENLIGHTENMENT ~ by: Dr. David R. Hawkins. ►The absolute subjectivity of revealed truth precludes all considerations or uncertainties, which stem only from the ego. When the ego collapses, all argument ceases and is replaced by silence. Doubt is the ego.◄ From: “I: Reality and Subjectivity” (2003), Chapter 1, Teachers and Students: p. 7 --------------------------------- With Additional Context: --------------------------------- To verify the value of a teacher or a spiritual pathway, the primary and most crucial determination is that they calibrate over level 200. Valid teachers and teachings are available for every level. A teaching in the 300s supports willingness and using one’s personal power with enthusiasm. An enthusiastic and committed group may be more helpful at times than reading more advanced texts. If there is too much disparity between one’s own level and that of the teacher, a great deal of useful information may be lost or not absorbed. An enlightened sage may be at a very high level of consciousness and yet not really be capable of teaching, just as being a great pianist does not make one a great piano teacher. Teaching requires skills other than virtuosity. The perfect teacher would have the patience to explain the truths of the various levels by contextualizing them in such a way that they become self-evident. This capacity means that the teacher is familiar with all the consciousness levels and the problems that arise in each. In addition, the teacher is supportive of the resolution of the inherent dualities and positionalities, with resultant pairs of opposites, that stand at the gates of each level. The teacher’s knowledge must stem solely from the inner revelation of truth that accompanies and is the hallmark of enlightenment. This results in an unmistakable certainty and innate authority that only the absolute truth can convey. The true teacher clarifies that which is known by means of the Presence (classically termed Purusha). The teacher’s source of understanding does not stem from external sources; therefore, quotes from famous teachers of history are only used for purposes of clarification for the sake of familiarity to the listener. The enlightened teacher needs no external confirmation. The ideal teacher identifies the level of truth that is being spoken. In today’s spiritual community, that level can now be precisely identified with an exact calibration that is subject to consensual validation. The source of the understanding of the teacher is inviolate and therefore needs no defense. Spiritual truth is complete within itself as it stands on its own merit. It is self-evident and requires no external agreement or props of any kind. ►The absolute subjectivity of revealed truth precludes all considerations or uncertainties, which stem only from the ego. When the ego collapses, all argument ceases and is replaced by silence. Doubt is the ego.◄ One could say that the ego is primarily a complex doubt structure that keeps itself rolling on by manufacturing endless, unsolvable problems, questions, and distractions. When confronted by the overwhelming certainty of Absolute Truth as it is reflected from the Self, the ego collapses and literally dies. That is actually the only real death possible, and only the illusory self is vulnerable to it. From: “I: Reality and Subjectivity” (2003), Chapter 1, Teachers and Students: pp. 6–7 -------------------------- Related Teachings: -------------------------- From: “Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender” (2012), Chapter 13: Peace, p. 189–190 Silent Transmission We describe the person who has reached that state of peace as “enlightened” and being in a state of Grace. Within and beyond that condition are various advanced states of illumination and levels of realization described by the mystics, sages, saints, and avatars. There is a silent, nonverbal benefit of being in the actual presence of an enlightened state. Classically, it would be an advanced spiritual teacher, saint, or sage. Seekers travel great distances to be in the physical presence of this energy field. The devotee or seeker receives silent transmission of the high-frequency energy of the teacher’s aura, described as “Transmission of No-Mind,” “Grace of the Guru,” or “Benediction of the Teacher.” This transmission happens of its own and is not personal. The state of infinite peace radiates forth unconditionally of its own from the energy field of the teacher or saint. When the Buddha gave his disciple a flower, it was symbolic of the transmission of the energy. If we have been in the presence of a great teacher who radiates this energy, we will never be the same. The most beneficial thing that can happen to us is to have been in the presence of a great teacher, because we pick up the vibration by being in the physical presence of that state of peace and complete surrender. The silent transmission of this realized state is a nonverbal, energetic phenomenon that does not depend upon logic or language. The vibration that is within the aura of the advanced teacher functions as a carrier wave to facilitate our comprehension of the words that are being spoken. But it’s the wave of energy and not the words that are the catalytic element. Via silent transmission, the energy from the advanced teacher or saint is incorporated into our aura, our brain function, and our whole being. It’s because this energy of peace is transmitted outward into the world that mankind is still alive. It would have destroyed itself a long time ago without this energy to counterbalance it. That’s why our own inner evolution serves all of mankind. By reaching these higher states of lovingness and peace within ourselves, we become a saving presence in the world.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 19:01:48 +0000

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