DECEPTIONS IN CHRIST’S TWO END-TIME CHURCHES! 12/18/13 ATTENTION BRIDE! I John, Your Elect Elder and Brother in Trials and in Tribulation’s, here at Smyrna do beseech the whole Congregation of the invisible “Many” Member Body of Yahshua, that deceptions Children are basically derived from now three identified spirits: the spirit of error and the spirit of deception and the spirit of whoredom that is now identified over the whole Church. What is the result of that spirit of error or the spirit of whoredom and deception over the Church Fathers(“Many Member Body)? Here Listed are some of the spirit’s of errors identified by Smyrna in Spirit which frequently circulate around within the Midsts of Fathers Many Member body that are caused by evil spirit influence and or control: What are called the doctrines of demons? (Isa. 5:20) Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness. 0) TRIALS. Everything bad (sickness, rejection, trials, testing, etc.) comes from Satan. This is a serious error in some New Testament Churches today. In Job chapter 2 we see in verse 3 that Yahveh says to Satan, You moved Me against him, to destroy him without cause, and in verse 10 Job says, Shall we accept (only) good at the hand of Yahveh and shall we not accept (also) misfortune and what is of a bad nature? 1) HUMANISM. Mans attempt to reach Yahveh or to be a god. We find the Church becoming more and more professional; more entertaining. There is less emphasis on the Word; more and more planning of songs to sing. No teachings. As a result there is no real worship; more emphasis on searching our soul and expressing our feelings or emotions. there is an emphasis on fellowship with man rather than Yahveh. Also, I see the Church has become building centered or activity centered rather than prayer centered. 2) LEADERSHIP. Yahveh calls a man to leadership of a work versus plurality of leadership. A work cannot be run by a committee, there must be one submitted man with a vision in charge. 3) FAITH. An over emphasis on faith that results in presumption. There is a ritual on confession that almost borders on witchcraft. There is truth in positive confession, but we must guard against presumption and testing Yahveh. The use of faith to live in materialistic splendor does not agree with the evangel. It is very unfortunate that many Believers are either too easily persuaded or cannot be persuaded at all. The deception is surprisingly easy. It comes to some Believers in the guise of faith-producing techniques for gaining Spiritual power and to others as self-improvement, for the full realization of the human potential. What the secular world calls mind power, many Believers confuse for faith. The impersonal force that the occultists refer to as the universal mind or nature is thought to be, by large numbers of Believers, as just another way of referring to Yahveh when, in fact, it is a substitute for Yahveh. Ancient sorcerys mind-over matter techniques often seem to work and they are radically changing our world. 1 Cor. 10:20, The things which the Gentiles (Pagans) sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons, AND NOT TO YAHVEH; and I do not want you to become sharers in demons. Rom. 14:17 For the kingdom of Yahveh is not food and drink (temporal), but righteousness and peace and joy in the Kodesh Spirit (eternal). 4) EMOTIONS Today there is a great deal of emphasis in the world and Believers circles on a form of introspection--getting in touch with our feelings or emotions. Neither repressing or letting it all hang out (allowing emotions to dominate) is scriptural. Yahveh intends to transform people so that their emotions naturally support them in righteous living. Yahvehs way of dealing with peoples emotional life is to change it by the power of the Kodesh Spirit, not by mans own efforts. People need to be taught that their conduct should be determined by whatever is the right (scriptural) and loving thing to do, not by their emotional reactions. Continual concern on how we feel, expressing my feelings, how others feel, leads a person subtly into being dominated by their feelings. This imprisons a person by making feelings the master. Emotional reactions are irrational and unstable. They are part of the human nature which often conflicts with Yahvehs will. The way to emotional health is for a person to decide that no matter how he feels, he is going to do what is right, what Yahveh wants him to do. Concentration on feelings is a humanistic approach. 6) DEMONS. All problems are caused by evil spirits (a demon is under every rock), or a Believer cant have a problem caused by a demon. Lies... 7) FINANCES. A materialistic Believer i.e., Kings Kid. Yahveh wants us to have the best. Teaching on the one hand it is all right to be in debt versus owe no man anything. One must be wrong. Teaching either total Poverty or Proverbs --give everything away--versus to be willing to give. 8) DELUSIONAL REGENERATION. The concept that a person is born again if they put up their hand, go forward, or say the sinners prayer at an Church service. Salvation starts with Yahveh, not with man. Making a decision is often an emotional experience for man but not necessarily true repentance, and thus we have the wheat and tares (Matt. 13:24-30). The tares think they are wheat. 9) BAPTISMAL REGENERATION. This is a doctrine of being born again by water baptism. Babies are often baptized into the assembly, and this really should be infant dedication. Baptism is for Believers only. This practice results in people thinking they are all right with Yahveh when they are far from it. Yahveh has no grandchildren; we are each individually accountable to Him. 10) SIN OF JEROBOAM. 34 This is the practice of appointing priests and ministers who have not been called by Yahveh. Anyone can go to a school of theology and become a minister of Yahveh without Yahvehs call on his life. 1 King 12:31, 13:33-34. THIS IS A SPIRIT OF ERROR AND SIN THAT YAHVEH HATES. 11) SIN OF The NICOLAITANS. The Nicolaitans taught the separation of spirit and body. They believed what their body’s did was all right. They fell into the sin of gluttony and fornication. We see this today in the tendency of the assembly toward worldliness and materialization. They made a distinction between the ministers of the Word and the people of the congregation. This created the clergy and laity relationship which is the foundation of denominationalism. Rev. 2:6, 15-16. THIS IS A SIN AND ERROR YAHVEH HATES. 12) DOCTRINE OF THE PHARISEES AND THE SADDUCEES. (Matt. 16:6) The Pharisees keep the law, and the Sadducees practice liberal theology. 13) DOCTRINE OF BALAAM. Using world methods to effect the kingdom, i.e. using gambling to raise money. See Rev. 2:14; Jude 11; 2 Peter 2:15. 14) THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS. The goal is to spread the good news and the means is to us tapes and books, so far so good. The error is since Believers buy these items and they all gather together on Sabbath, sell them at that time since it is convenient. This is the sin of Balaam. 15) DENOMINATIONALISM. Separation because of teachings or doctrines and methods of worship. See 2 Cor. 6:14, 17; 2 Tim. 3:5; Isa 29:13. Yahweh is opposed to those things that divide brothers in Messiah. 16) EVANGELISTICALLY SPEAKING. This is where ministries measure themselves by decisions for Messiah. It has become a joke. Do you think it is a joke to Yahveh? This same thing is done with healings and the number of people attending the meetings. 17) SALVATION COVERS MY SINS. Most people who come to Yahveh deal with their sins. They think that the gift of salvation eliminated their need to confess their sins. Although it does cover sin, they must be confessed, repented of and dealt with and not just covered over or buried. 18) LIBERATION THEOLOGY. This is the teaching that one must not only repent for his personal sins but also the sins of his nation. The person must dedicate his time and resources to change the system. Revolution, if necessary. 19) LAW AND GRACE. Some organizations believe we are saved by the law and Name. Others believe we are under grace and have not responsibility. Both are in error! Salvation comes through repentance, obedience, regeneration and relationship by grace. 20) PROSPERITY--SUCCESS TEACHING. This concept is almost as old as time. There are seminars and schools all over the world training 35 people on how to succeed with the right mind set. In Believers circles also this teaching of obtaining wealth is everywhere. There are many scriptures that are used to support this teaching. Please understand, I do not think there is any holiness in poverty. The problem is on the emphasis and practice of dropping the conditions connected with the promises. Humility is out and success is in. Success and self esteem have become so important in the Church that they influence everything else. Some Churches also now pursue success and the larger it is the more successful it is thought to be. These teachings on success are often metaphysics. Sorcery is rampant in the business world and enters the assembly in the form of success/motivation and PMA techniques and the latest psycho-therapies covered over with Believer terms. Ask yourself, Is this or does this display the nature of Yahshua? It was Satan that aspired to succeed and be like the most high Elohim. 21) POSITIVE CONFESSION--POSSIBILITY THINKING--POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE. I can hear many of you now, What can be wrong with positive confession since it is Scriptural? Anyone who thinks he can make Yahveh dance to his music is in error. Anyone who imagines that because he thinks certain thoughts or speaks certain words Yahveh MUST respond in a particular way, has fallen into sorcery. If not playing Yahveh, he is at the very least trying to manipulate Yahveh. Yahveh is Master and king and He will not give these over to the power of our mind or words, positive or negative. If anyone can make a miracle happen, then it isnt genuine miracle from Yahveh, but sorcery, and that man is now playing Yahveh. See Revelation 16:14 about false miracles. To those Believers practicing these concepts, often their faith is not placed in Yahveh but in a power directed at Yahveh (a subtle trap). This forces Yahveh to do for them what they have believed He will do. At the very least this makes Yahveh subject to alleged laws that we can activate by faith. At the worst it eliminated Yahveh from the process altogether, putting everything in our own hands and thus turning us into gods who can make anything happen by our power of belief. If everything works according to such a law, then Yahveh is no longer sovereign and there is no place for grace in Yahvehs provision. The basic idea behind SORCERY is all one needs to do is exercise the power of belief. Words become even more powerful than Yahveh. Occultists repeat a mantra (a special word with spiritual power) and practice decreeing, which is the repetition of positive confessions to affirmations. In seeking power for self, they have become susceptible to the power of Satan. This technique was not taught in the early Church. We find a fine line here from what is Biblical of confession of Yahvehs Word and that which is manipulative for selfish gain. Heart attitude is important. The Word of Yahveh is powerful and renews the mind. It is needed for the salvation of the soul. We must identify with and confess the Word. 22) WE ARE GODS. There is a doctrine being expounded that since we are made in the image of Yahveh, and we are joint heirs with Yahshua, we are Elohim. Adam was given dominion over all the world prior to his fall. All this is the foundation that we take back dominion and be as Yahveh (Yahshua within us). In addition we are being taught that we must love our self. The great problem is that we already love ourselves. Scripture says that no man hates his own flesh. If we claim that we are Elohim, we have demeaned the very concept of Yahveh. We havent lifted ourselves up to Yahvehs level, but have dragged Yahveh down to our level. Declaration that man is Elohim is religious atheism. Jeremiah says that all who aspire to the status of being god will perish (Jer. 10:10-22). Eze. 28:1-3 (KJV) Prophecy against the King of Tyre 1The word of the LORD came again unto me, saying, 2Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrusis lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God: , Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thine heart 3Behold, thou art wiser than Daniel; there is no secret that they can hide from thee: 5By thy great wisdom and by thy traffick hast thou increased thy riches, and thine heart is lifted up because of thy riches: 6Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thou hast set thine heart as the heart of God; 7Behold, therefore I will bring strangers upon thee, the terrible of the nations: and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of thy wisdom, and they shall defile thy brightness. John the Revelator The Voice and Spirit of Elijah The Spirit of the Bride thechurchofsmyrna.blogspot thechurchofsmyrna.blogspot/2013/12/deceptions-in-christs-two-end-time.html
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 01:40:28 +0000

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