DENGUE FEVER Dengue Fever is a disease caused by viruses that - TopicsExpress


DENGUE FEVER Dengue Fever is a disease caused by viruses that are transmitted to people by mosquitoes. Dengue fever is also known as dandy fever or break bone because the unsual severe muscle and joint can make people assumedistored body positions or exaggerated walking movements in an effort to reduce their pain. CAUSES Dengue fever is caused by Acdes aegypti and Acdes albopictus (yellow fever mosquitoes) to human in viral cycle. There is no human to human transmission, but once a mosquitoe is infected ,it remains infected for its life span. A human can infects mosquitoe when the human has a high number of viruses in the blood (right before symptoms develops). SYMPTOMS FEBRILE PHASE * sudden onset fever * headache * mouth and nose bleeding * muscles and joint pains * vomiting * rashes * diarrhea CRITICAL PHASE * hypotension * pleural effusion * gastrointestinal bleeging RECOVERY PHASE * altered level of consciousness * slow heart rate * seizure * itching TREATMENTS There is no specific medicine to treat dengue fever infection. Pain relievers with acetamiophen are used to relief pain but aviod medicine with aspirin which could worsen bleeding. Also have enough rest and drink plenty of fluids. NB: If you start to feel worse in the first 24 hours after your fever goes down, see your doctor immediately to be checked for complication.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 13:57:54 +0000

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