DESIGNERS I’ve come across many “designers” in my life… - TopicsExpress


DESIGNERS I’ve come across many “designers” in my life… When we built our first home, my husband consulted a designer friend… but this is not the kind of designers I’m talking about, but rather those who seem to think it necessary to give God a hand in “designing”, shaping circumstances or the future. They feel it necessary to plot and plan “behind the scenes” all the while believing that they had fooled people, and above all God. The story of Jacob and Esau comes to my mind… (Genesis 25:19-34; 27) Esau had sold his “birthright” to his brother Jacob, who saw the opportunity and ceased it, to take advantage of his brother’s foolishness. The “birthright” included not only the inheritance of material goods, but spiritual blessings. The one who had the “birthright” not only became the priest of the family, but the Redeemer of the world was to come from his line of posterity. Had not God promised that “the elder shall serve the younger”? (Gen.25:23; 27:29) Indeed the father (Isaac) himself failed in his determination to bestow the birthright upon Esau. This young man, obviously was not interested in spiritual matters, but rather loved his “freedom”, perceiving such roles as the “priest of the family”, or “spiritual leader” too restrictive. Jacob yearned for a closer communion with God and to be in His presence, to fulfil the role of the spiritual leader. He knew of the promises given by God to his mother, but had not learned the lesson of patience, the precious lesson of allowing God to lead and above all to prepare him first of all for such an important role. The spirit of prophecy tell us: “With secret longing he listened to all that his father told concerning the spiritual birthright; he carefully treasured what he had learned from his mother. Day and night the subject occupied his thoughts, until it became the absorbing interest of his life. But while he thus esteemed eternal above temporal blessings, Jacob had not an experimental knowledge of the God whom he revered. His heart had not been renewed by divine grace. He believed that the promise concerning himself could not be fulfilled so long as Esau retained the rights of the first-born, and he constantly studied to devise some way whereby he might secure the blessing which his brother held so lightly, but which was so precious to himself.” (PP, p.178-179) How much heartache could’ve been avoided if both parents would have heeded God’s Word and recognised His will… Had they taught their children about God’s purposes for their lives and the “calling” which had been clearly revealed to them and guided them in accepting their roles, had they openly dealt with all matters rather than plot and scheme, great blessings would have been the fruitage of their labours. But all these are for a lesson unto us! The question is, have we learnt them? Do we look at our actions? What are we doing? Are we plotting and scheming? (Thus teaching our children that its OK to do so...) Have we taken on the role of “designers”? or do we allow God to do the work in His own time in His own way? God does not endorse “secrecy”: “ I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place of the earth: I said not unto the seed of Jacob, Seek ye Me in vain: I the Lord speak righteousness, I declare things that are right.”( Isaiah 45:19) 16 Come ye near unto Me, hear ye this; I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; from the time that it was, there am I: and now the Lord God, and his Spirit, hath sent Me. 17 Thus saith the Lord, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go. 18 O that thou hadst hearkened to My commandments! then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea:” (Isaiah 48:16-18) Daniel also comes to my mind. A man of integrity who understood the lesson of total surrender to the will of God; a man that practiced openness in fear of God, not of man. Daniel is an example of total submition to the Word of God, and unfailing trust in His “designs”. Daniel was subjected to evil men’s plots and “designs”, but was unmoved in His walk with and trust in His God. “Heaven is very near those who suffer for righteousness sake. Christ identifies His interests with the interests of His faithful people; He suffers in the person of His saints, and whoever touches His chosen ones touches Him. The power that is near to deliver from physical harm or distress is also near to save from the greater evil, making it possible for the servant of God to maintain his integrity under all circumstances, and to triumph through divine grace. The experience of Daniel as a statesman in the kingdoms of Babylon and Medo-Persia reveals the truth that a businessman is not necessarily a designing, policy man, but that he may be a man instructed by God at every step. Daniel, the prime minister of the greatest of earthly kingdoms, was at the same time a prophet of God, receiving the light of heavenly inspiration. A man of like passions as ourselves, the pen of inspiration describes him as without fault. His business transactions, when subjected to the closest scrutiny of his enemies, were found to be without one flaw. He was an example of what every businessman may become when his heart is converted and consecrated, and when his motives are right in the sight of God.” (PK, p.545-546) May we learn from the mistakes and examples of our forefathers and patiently wait on our Heavenly Father’s “designs” and purposes to be fulfilled in our lives and the lives of our family and friends. May we openly speak, and deal with everyone, upholding all in prayer, entrusting all into the hands of our all-powerful God.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 23:20:42 +0000

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