DEVOTIONAL FOR JULY 13 - TopicsExpress


DEVOTIONAL FOR JULY 13 FOOLISH WORDS The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” Psalm 14:1a. We should never refer to anyone as a fool. In his “Sermon on the Mount” teaching, Jesus said that those who have such little respect for others are in danger of the fire of hell. However, the Bible has a great deal to say about fools, their beliefs, and their actions. Here the Psalmist deals with a particularly egregious example — denying God’s very existence. There’s a nuance here that should not be missed. He was not referring just to avowed atheists who articulate their lack of belief. No, the Psalmist was including those who deny in their hearts God’s existence. That is something for us all to think about. If we ignore his commandments as having no meaning for us, are we not in effect denying his existence? If we live only for ourselves and spend all our time and energy pursuing selfish goals, are we not at best saying that if there is a God, it really doesn’t matter? The proof of his existence is all around those who are willing to see. The orderliness of nature, the miracle of birth and growth, the majesty of the heavens, all these are proof of an omnipotent creator. And yet those who will can go far beyond those exhibits of evidence. They can know him personally and intimately. Through faith in Jesus Christ, they can even experience his love and his power in their daily living. That’s the proof that overcomes that last bit of doubt. May you experience that proof in your life today. The person the Psalmist refers to as Fool who says, “There is no God” will eventually come to a point where God says, “There is no Fool.”
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 01:56:47 +0000

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