DIALOGUE FOR FREEDOM OR SILENCE FOR SLAVERY Uhuru Kenyatta is right when he says he has no monopoly of knowledge What he did not say is that he has a monopoly of land ownership thanks to thieving father, Jomo. Uhuru has a monopoly of money and wealth too. Uhuru also has a monopoly of violence and terrorism, reason why he has a pending genocide case at the Hague. Thats why people are getting bombed at Gikomba. Thats why Kenyans are being slaughtered at Mpeketoni. Thats why the Westgate tragedy happened. In all these instances no investigations were done and justice served. Uhuru thought he had a monopoly of sitting on his crimes and waiting for Kenyans to forget so that he can strike again. Not anymore. Kenyans want a structured Dialogue to discuss the Kenya we want. We want to discuss Uhurus tribalism vis a vis the tax we pay to his government. Kenyans want to discuss Insecurity which he feeds on as he dodges the slow arm of the ICC. We want to discuss corruption and stealing of public funds by Uhurus cronies. (Please note that the majority of Kikuyus are excluded from the loot by this sadist; school children in Kiambu have no laptops). We want the dialogue to include the high cost of living which is reducing our people to Uhurus slaves. In this dialogue Uhuru has no monopoly; We the People have. It is either silence for slavery or Dialogue / SabaSaba for freedom
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 16:54:03 +0000

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