"DIRTY DOZEN" DISCUSSION - DAY 7 - FRAGRANCE/PARFUM "Of the thousands of chemicals used in fragrances, most have not been tested for toxicity, alone or in combination ... in laboratory experiments, individual fragrance ingredients have been associated with cancer and neurotoxicity among other adverse health effects ... Some fragrance ingredients are not perfuming agents themselves but enhance the performance of perfuming agents. For example, diethyl phthalate (prounced tha-late), or DEP, is widely used in cosmetic fragrances to make the scent linger. Phthalates (DIRTY DOZEN DAY 4) are choice ingredients in cosmetics because they are cheap and versatile. However, the EU has listed DEP as a Category 1 priority substance, based on evidence that it interferes with hormone function. Phthalates have been linked to early puberty in girls, reduced sperm count in men, and reproductive defects in the developing male fetus. Phthalate metabolites are also associated with obesity and insulin resistance in men."
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 23:49:11 +0000

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