DISCERN TRUTH FROM UNTRUTH I: Daniels 70 weeks covers 490 years - TopicsExpress


DISCERN TRUTH FROM UNTRUTH I: Daniels 70 weeks covers 490 years from the destruction of the First Temple to the destruction of the Second. The Babylonian exile was 70 years and the Second Temple stood 420 years. SEVEN YEARS BEFORE the Second Temple was destroyed, Rome permitted the Jews to offer sacrifices. This agreement, however, was broken when Nero sent Vespasian to crush Jewish life in Jerusalem in 66 CE, 3½ years before Titus razed Herods Temple in the year 3829 (Daniel 9:27). JEWISH TRANSLATION: ”And you shall know and understand that from the emergence of the word to restore and to rebuild Jerusalem until the anointed king [shall be] seven weeks (7x7=49years), and [in] sixty-two weeks it will return and be built street and moat, but in troubled times” (Daniel 9:25). The first anointed ruler is Cyrus who arises after 49 years. (Ezra 1:12-3, 2 Chron. 36:22-23, Isaiah 44:28, 45:1, 13). And after the sixty-two weeks, the anointed one will be cut off, and he will be no more, and the people of the coming monarch will destroy the city and the Sanctuary, and his end will come about by inundation, and until the end of the war, it will be cut off into desolation. The second one who is anointed and removed after 434 years is the High Priest: And after the sixty-two weeks (62x7=434), an anointed one shall be cut off, and shall have nothing...” (Daniel 9:26). HOW DO CHRISTIANS PAINT JESUS INTO THE JEWISH SCRIPTURES? In a Christian Bible, by combining ”seven weeks” with ”sixty-two weeks” into one period of sixty nine weeks, Christians reach incorrect conclusions; that there is only one anointed spoken of in Daniel ch. 9 rather than two, and that their Messiah would come 483 years after the destruction of the First Temple, balance himself on a donkey or two, riding into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:1-7, Luke 19:29-35, Mark 11:2,4). THE CHRISTIAN BIBLE LEAVES ON WEEK LEFT; the so called 7 years tribulation period; when the seventieth week will begin (Daniel 9:27), related to the Beast, man of sin; the rule of the Antichrist; 2 Thess. 2:3,4 - Matthew 24:15, the false Jewish Messiah, Dajjal in Islam. In a Jewish Bible Daniels 70 weeks are completely fulfilled. The angel Gabriel reveals to Daniel, that once these 70 weeks were completed, the Messianic Age could begin. And once these 490 years were completed, it would indeed be up to each subsequent generation to turn back to God in order to bring about the glorious arrival of the Messiah (Chronological Chart of Daniel Ch. Nine Outreachjudaism). In a Jewish Bible Daniels 70 weeks are completely fulfilled. outreachjudaism.org/Powerful_Articles.aspx King James Version Daniel 9:25-26: Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks... And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined” (Daniel 9:26). Until the end of the war of Gog & Magog the place of the Temple will be in desolation. DISCERN TRUTH FROM UNTRUTH II: THE ELEVENTH HORN: The Christian term Antichrist or the Dajjal , the false Jewish messiah; in Islam, is often applied to prophecies regarding a little horn in Daniel 7:24-25. They also interpret Daniel 9:27 as referring to the Antichrist (2 Thess. 2:3-12) who will rule and reign for seven years during the Tribulation (Matthew 24:21). According to the Christian interpretations; miscalculation and mistranslation of Daniel 9:25-27 the Antichrist will stop the sacrifices at a certain point. And some considers Daniel 11:36-37 that speaks of a self exalting king to be the Antichrist. Daniel 8:23-25 speaks of a brazen-faced king (Titus)... and without strength he will be broken - through a mosquito, the weakest of creatures, which entered his nose, (Tractate Gittin (56b). However, all these verses speaks on none other than Titus and the kingdom of Rome and not about a fictional Antichrist. THE ELEVENTH HORN: ...that had eyes and a mouth: speaking arrogantly,.. I looked and the horn that was like this waged war with the holy ones and overwhelmed them. Until the Ancient of Days came and gave revenge to the high holy ones, and the time arrived that the holy ones (the restored, rectified saints of Israel) inherited the kingdom (Daniel 7:20-22). Rashi identifies this horn with Titus, R. Saadiah Gaon identifies it with Ishmael (Islam), which took the beauteous land, Israel, from the Romans (Daniel 8:9-10). Daniel 8:10-14 And it (the horn of the kingdom of Titus) grew until the host of heaven, and it cast down to the ground some of the host and of the stars (Israel) and trampled them. And until the Prince of the host (G-d) it grew, and through him the daily sacrifice was removed, and the base of His Sanctuary was cast down. Through his troops and his armies, which he sent to Jerusalem, the daily sacrifice was abolished, for he sent there Nero Caesar, his general. And a time will be given for the daily sacrifice because of transgression, and it will cast truth to the earth (it humbled the Torah of truth), and it will do and prosper. Then I heard a holy one speaking; and another holy one said unto that certain one who spoke: How long shall be the vision concerning the continual burnt-offering, and the transgression that causes appailment, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trampled under foot? And he said unto me: Unto two thousand and three hundred evenings and mornings; then shall the sanctuary be victorious. 1967 – 2300 = -333. In 333 BCE the Greeks begin the rule of Israel, which later was overrun by the Romans Speaking to Daniel 2,300 years ago, the angel revealed that the eleventh horn (Titus and the kingdom of Rome-Edom, the divided kingdom (Daniel 2:31-35,40-44, Ch. 7) dominated by Esau and Ishmael represented by Islam and Christianity would inflict many painful decrees and chastisements upon Israel... DISCERN TRUTH FROM UNTRUTH III: And I lifted up mine eyes, and saw, and behold four horns... (Zechariah 2:1-4). These are the horns (Babylon, Persia, Greece and Edom/Rome; the divded kingdom;” represented by Christianity and Islam: Daniel 2:31-35,40-44, Ch 7) that would persecute Israel, until the final Messianic redemption. And the LORD showed me four craftsmen (CHARASHIM, carpenters WHO KNOW HOW TO CUT THE HORNS)----these then are come to frighten them, to cast down the horns (the power and the pride) of the nations, which lifted up their horn (symbolizing power, pride, arrogance) against the land of Judah to scatter it. The four carpenters are the successive conquerors who would conquer those kingdoms. The fourth and final carpenter will be Mashiach...
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 17:11:46 +0000

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