DO YOU KNOW WHO STARTED VOICE OF PROPHECY IN 1945 SOME 30 YEARS AFTER DEATH OF EGW? HIS NAMES : H M S RICHARDS THIS IS A SERMON HE DELIVERED ONE DAY IN SAN FRANCISCO IN 1951 ABOUT REVIVAL AND REFORMATION. A great many people look down upon revivals, but the entire history of the Bible is a history of revivals. I have heard preachers say, “Well, they are temporary.” Surely they are. So is a bath, and so is a meal, but very necessary I do not believe that the greatest need of the Advent Movement today is a cultured ministry. I believe in culture. But, my friends, culture brought Greece, Rome, and Germany to ruin. Culture has never saved a single soul in this world. Our greatest need today is not an educated ministry. Oh, this world is ripe for revival, ripe for tremendous events, ripe for great and wonderful conquests. I say, Be of good courage, brother, friend; let us get revived. Let us seek it ourselves. Let us seek the witness of the Spirit in our own hearts. Let us look for it. I have a statement here that simply thrills me as I read it. It is the last message that Mrs. White ever sent to a General Conference assembly, in 1913, the first General Conference I ever attended. There is a passage in which she says that she saw something-the people of God coming into line. She writes: “I have been deeply impressed by scenes that have recently passed before me in the night season. There seemed to be a great movement-a work of revival.”-Testimonies to Ministers, p. 515. That is what she saw-a great movement, a great work of revival going forward in many places-your place and mine. “Our people were moving into line.” Oh, thank God, she saw it! We are not going to dry up as has every other religious movement on earth to this day-every one of them. But we are moving right in their footsteps; and if we do not change, we shall be just where they are, mummified in the history of the past, merely another label on another glass case in history.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 09:59:05 +0000

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