DO YOUR EMOTIONS INTERFERE WITH MAKING MONEY? YES! The parts of the brain that are involved with planning, goal-setting, decision-making and taking action actually lower the activity in the emotional centers of the brain. Success stimulates pleasurable emotions: at first it relaxes you as you enjoy the fruits of your labor, but it also stimulates you to seek more of what you just succeeded at. Failure (or the fear of failure) turns off the motivation centers of your brain. You must then use your positive memories and your positive beliefs to envision future successes. However, if you focus too much on making money, you’ll also suppress the social awareness circuits in your brain! The result: greed. The human brain appears to have evolved a unique solution to our natural propensity to acquire as much of everything as we possibly can (which Panksepp calls the “seeking” emotion). Neurologically, when you act selfishly, other people with punish you for not being kind and generous (scientists call this “altruistic punishment and it’s a powerful force in every culture and society). Your brain must learn how to regulate your desires with the awareness that other people also want to reach their goals. SOLUTION: Consciously create a balance between your innermost desires (your big WHY), your positive and negative emotions, and our biological need to support each other’s dreams. From our NeuroCoach Mark Waldman.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 12:50:52 +0000

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