DOCTRINES (OR A LACK OF THEM) HAVE CONSEQUENCES Atheists do not believe in God, or the restraints of the gospel – while a few may seek to live a life of honor and integrity, their “theology” does not demand it…Thus, they do not feel compelled to answer to being logically consistent, and most are not! Being truthful is an individual choice which is not demanded by their “faith”…You see it daily with the way they handle “evidence”, and the misrepresentations they make regarding the position of believers. Bottom line – they can’t be trusted. Traditional Catholics have faith in a system which allows for “mental reservation” (permission to misrepresent the truth under some circumstances)…Again, an outsider never knows when it ‘kicks in”, and so can never know when the option is being exercised…Bottom line – it is impossible to rule it out when dealing with them. Muslims have faith in a system which does not believe that lying to an unbeliever is wrong – and they frequently deal with outsiders with less than complete honesty.Bottom line – don’t look for the whole truth from them. In each of these circumstances, some of the difference in personal integrity on the part of its adherents from true disciples is due to the difference with which such a quality is valued in that particular belief system. Try this: our “change agents” generally hold to the belief that God does not judge based on actions, but rather on good intentions – that He overlooks sins of weakness (which includes “lying”—such sins are “wrong”, but they are not ‘go to hell’ wrong)..This may explain why with some of them, being less than truthful in their statements, or knowingly inconsistent in their “theology”, is not as troubling to them as it should be. Nor is it a game changer when such a “weakness” shows a less than moral core in another among them. Bottom line –they will frequently change their story, “forget” previous arguments which contradict current ones, and ignore the implications of their own claims, and they may "give a pass" to one among them who lacks core integrity. And you can understand why. Such moral laxity would be consistent with their faith system! (acb)
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 11:12:01 +0000

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