DONT GIVE UP YET YOUR MARRIAGE/RELATIONSHIP! My precious friends, its great to write you again. I think I should share this with you. Especially those in godly relationship. I have seen many people given up on their relationship so soon just because of a little challenge. Even the so called people that are sure the relationship is of God give up so soon and start thinking maybe its not even God that led them to the relationship. A successful relationship doesnt just happen. It requires work and prayer. The fact that he/she is Gods will for you doesnt mean that challenges will not come or that the relationship will succeed automatically. The devil is always looking for godly relationships to destroy and you must not allow him. Jesus said ...I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18). Even Jesus admit that the gates of hell, challenges, opposition will attack what he builds(your relationship) but the good news is that no matter the attack or challenges, it wont prevail. There are times that your fiancé/fiancée will just misbehave or probably do things you dont expect from him/her. He/she may not even call you for days or do as if he/she loves you anymore; this can be an attack of the devil against your relationship. Dont react by doing the same or shouting but rather take time to pray and call him to order. There are times you just need to sit him/her down and discuss issues bordering you and the way forward, and it may be a time to settle everything in the place of prayer. The importance of praying for your relationship cannot be over emphasized. It is not only during crisis/challenges that you pray, you need to pray always even when all is going on fine. If youve not imbibe the habit of praying together with your fiancé/fiancée in your relationship, I will advise you that you start now. Plan to pray and study the bible together when you meet. Dont just be financially or emotionally committed to the relationship, be committed in prayers. Do appraisal of your relationship, ask questions, look for productive things to do that will enhance your lives. Spend time together, communicate often. Set boundaries for yourself, dont allow your emotion dictate what you do in your relationship. Be righteously romantic and spirit led. Dont give up, start working out your relationship and God will help you out. Thanks for reading Wishing you a healthy relationship Shalom! (Pls Share )
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 09:45:45 +0000

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