DONT SEEK TO BE A CELEBRITY CHRISTIAN MORE THAN YOU SEEK TO CELEBRATE CHRIST. The John The Baptist Example; John testified about him when he shouted to the crowds, “This is the one I was talking about when I said, ‘Someone is coming after me who is far greater than I am, for he existed long before me.’” John 1:15. Here, John the baptist acknowledges Christ and exhalts Him to the people.John was seen as a great man by people in his time. The people looked up to him and he was sort of like a celebrity of the gospel.But here, we see that he takes the whole emphasis away from himself and acknowledges Christ as being greater than himself. Johns ministry was to herald the coming of Christ. He knew this so he kept the emphasis on Christ and that message. Today, our ministry is to share the gospel of Christ and talk about His return. Just like John, a lot of us have become like celebrities of our time because of the gospel. Are we, like John, keeping the emphasis on Christ and His coming and testifying about Him? Are we letting the way people perceive or regard us as great make us forget to acknowledge the one that is greater than us all and share our own self message instead of His own? Are our works that we are called to do testifying of our own greatness and not He that is GREATER?Christ is the Messiah. Not us. Christ saves, we dont have such power on our own. With Him, we are bestowed with the power to become Sons of God and do great things in Him. He existed long before any of us and has loved us ever so greatly. Through Him, many are set free and brought into Light.So, should we not keep Him, the ever faithful Lord and redeemer, as the focus?May the Lord help us stay humble in Him and may we keep the emphasis on Him like we should, in Jesus name. #PHILeap
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 08:02:56 +0000

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