DONT SUSPECT WHY CAN I GOT IT ?? OR IS IT GENUINE ??? YOU THINK LIKE I DID... REALLY NOW I CAN CONFIRM ON ONE LEVEL THIS ONE IS GENUINE FROM AC.TOH CREATED AROUND B.E.2406 but after ac.toh created , he did not give to anybody but he put in the base of main buddha in wat rakang but they are discovered by next generation pple before this somdet will be old like other somdet in kru buried. the quantity of this batch is around 800-900 pieces only but now currenlty cannot accept this pattern sharing price at RM150 now i got some for distribute to the member below : Howard Yeo Rsvp Jimmy Chin Chin Meng reserve Yunzhang Lim Rsvd Desmond Loh Boss I want too. Choong Chin Hou boss please reserve,tq Lc Shen boss reserve Ang Soon Yee ..Bro....keep one for me this is the info for this old man who got some he ask me that i knew this somdet amulet ??? i said nothing he told me this set of amulet are all real from somdet toh and found in wat rakang but found not much around hundreds he kept for many years and nobody know this set of amulet he feel glad if i can distribute to other with real somdet he sell them like sharing because not too high price then today i take a bit from him if anyone still want to have it in your collection i checked all 3 arjaan and all said real from ac.toh believe or not it on you la , only RM150 , i cannot be rich and you didn became poor but got change to get real or not , that is the point
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 10:36:00 +0000

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